
6 years, 11 months ago


(En)tropi is the witch of chåøš!¿!¡?--- but! she's actually just very clumsy and her spells normally end in explosions. Entropi is her full name but she goes by Tropi. She's very disorganized and messy, so she wears black overalls/hat/shoes to make it less noticeable. Due to magic gone awry and general klutziness, Tropi has lots of scratches and a bandaid on her nose. She has blackish hair (dark purple is ok!), purple eyes, and tan skin. She is asexual.

Tropi has a somewhat depressing backstory (that I haven't completely figured out yet). As a child she was often bullied/harsh on herself for always messing things up with her entropy specialized magic. (In this universe every witch has one special based magic skill. They can improve on control/power/how to use their magic, but they can't completely change their skill. So Tropi can't decide to become a water specialist and just learn water magic. No witch has the same skill in the same lifetime.) Anyways, through lots of soul searching etc etc Tropi learned as she got older to appreciate herself more and to just do what she loves. Now she has a positive attitude abt her lack of skills. After all, she can only get better!!

She lives somewhere in the forest in a greenhouse-like structure that's surrounded by and crowded with plants and art pieces.Tropi loves to make art and grow plants, although when she practices her magic on them, things usually don't turn out well. Bc her magic is unreliable, she taught herself to live w/out it (unlike the other witches), but she also practices harder than anyone to improve her spells and general skills. She especially likes making potions out of herbs from her garden/the forest, as her magic is more reliable that way.

Additional info that may or may not change: she either has a familiar or can shapeshift into a black cat. It has purple eyes and it's collar is the same as the moon choker that Tropi wears (and I always forget to draw). Her hair also glows purple when she uses magic?


Tropi began as a witchsona bc I always felt like a clumsy good for nothing who messed up everything;; but she developed into a person that I rly admire and want to become- a person who will pursue what they love even if (especially if) they are bad at it and who tries to maintain an optimistic and hopeful view of life. Drawing and seeing art of her reminds me to not be too hard on myself and just be happy and grateful for what I have :).

She's rly precious to me now ;-;