Caylum Selexa



3 years, 1 month ago


Caylum is an anxious goldblood with an inability to expel his psionics. He's quite powerful– he simply can't conduct them on his own. Due to this he has a quite prominent case of Sensory Processing Sensitivity, at one point forcefully pulling out his lower fangs, unable to stand how they brushed up against his skin. He wears layered, baggy clothing and compression gloves to avoid sensory overload.

Caylum's trolltag is galvanizedAurumist [GA], and he speaks with an abundance of X's, surrounding his words, censoring curses, and scattered sporadically if he's angry or under stress (which can cause him to be quite difficult to understand). Example:

GA: xX i'm feeling pretty calm right now, i think. uh, fxxx you, sxxxstain, axxhole Xx
GA: xX x'm cxrrxntlx hxvxng sxnsxrx xvxrlxxd plxxsx dxn't txlk tx mx rxght nxw Xx

His strife specibus is cablekind, which acts as both a whip and a conductor for his psionics. Caylum is able to electrically charge the cable, shocking those it comes into contact with. However, electricity can also be sent through the cable to him, which can overload psionics and completely incapacitate him. His lusus is a platypus (due to their remarkable electroreception).

Caylum, like most goldbloods, knows his way around a computer. He uses his technological proficiency to learn everything he can about the lives of other people, doing deep-dives and discovering all sorts of personal info and history, which can understandably come off as stalker-ish (though he has no ill intent).

Caylum also has had pale feelings for Cheira in the past, during his time helping her find dirt to include in her journalism. He cares for Koevha as if they were siblings. He knows a lot about everyone else, but Cheira and Koevha are the only ones he has a real connection with.