Cheira Kairos



3 years, 4 months ago


Cheira is a scheming, manipulative journalist and essayist. A master of the art of persuasion, she has her own successful newspaper and blog written and run by only herself.

Cheira's trolltag is chthonicTypewriter [CT], and she capitalizes any E's, P's, L's, and K's when talking. Example:

CT: SomEtimEs I may sEEm condEscEnding whEn taLKing, but that's simPLy bEcausE I'm so much morE intELLigEnt than you!

Her strife specibus is dartkind. She has an incredible hand, and can lace her throwing darts with various poisons. She uses a Thesis Fetch Modus, which requires her to quickly recite a thesis statement persuading the modus to give her the item. Her lusus is a painted wolf.

Cheira despises not being in control, or at the very least in some position of power. She is highly independent and outright refuses to engage in any quadrants, not for lack of attraction, but rather a fear of being tied down or her emotions being used against her.