Senah Faevalur (Seraph)



3 years, 2 months ago


Rava / Viera / Male (he/them)
Grand Company: Immortal Flames
Free Company: The Athaneum
City-State: Dravanian Forelands -> Gridania
Nameday: 12th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Guardian: Nymeia, The Spinner
Seraph is Senah's split personality. After the events of the Telophoroi towers and Lunar Bahamut, unknown to the rest of the Athaneum, Senah aether has slowly started becomed tempered (not by a primal) without the protection of Hydaelyn. So far, the tempering has been halted by the power of the Echo but the damage that has been done to Senah has caused a "split". Seraph, who hasn't emerged since Senah's time in the Dravanian Forelands as a child, took over both Senah's mind and body in order to surpress the trauma that the tempering is causing her and to make her physcially and mentally stronger. Now, Senah's spirit lies dormant as Seraph takes over her journey in Endwalker. 
Unlike Senah, Seraph is unruly and wild- similar to an untamed beast. As he possesses Senah's emotions and memories, he has the same knowledge she obtained and feelings towards those she formed a connection with. He is also the reason why Senah has little to no memory of her childhood in the Forelands after partaking in Dragon's blood.
What Race is Seraph?: Seraph is to put it simply, a changeling. Everytime Senah ends up using a Fantasia it is when Seraph has taken over. Although male, he sometimes stays in a female form because transforming to a completely different body structure is painful as he is aware of his bones and muscles shrinking and enlarging. However, his true race is a Viera Male.