Cyto Razuna



2 years, 11 months ago



Cyto Razuna


Cyto is a 16 year old individual whose alignment is neutral good. Cyto will always follow his opinions and make his own decisions in which he believes will positively influence his alliances and power. Cyto will values friends over codes or rules in divisions, but that doesn't mean he'll go to break the rules freely. In fact, Cyto is often regarded as a top gunner who manages to obey and accept rules. But one's personality and alignments may chance at a sign of betrayal..

Cyto is known as a social person, having many alliances and close relationships with people, but he often never regards them as a "best friend". Cyto's concepts of friends and alliances is that: Everyone is a neutral, interact and do things with them to see how they act and determine whether or not they'll provide a positive influence, however never trust anyone too closely. Cyto will remain closed off to people and build up their relation to them, but won't ever regard to them as a best friend, as doing so would affect his closed personality.


Cunning • Smart • Fast

A well known marksmen in the Neo Marksmen division. Cyto spends most of his time duelling in the arena, fighting other divisions like the Neo Burst or Neo Tank divisions. He's farely neutral with practically everyone, besides the Neo Assassin division. Having competition with them, both being agile, fast, and quick attacks, assassins who choose fight against this blue boy, can expect being crushed by his skill and dislike towards the division.

Despite this dislike, Cyto tends to keep a calm and cool perspective on life, and enjoys it to the fullest. It isn't known why Cyto has a certain dislike towards the assassins, but when fighting, he tends to let it out on certain members of the Neo Assassin divison like Adrian. The two of them have known each other before joining their desired divisions, and two haven't exactly shared much and choose to keep it between the two of them. Although there might be something Cyto doesn't just get about Adrian, that he's just trying to show.


  • Gun Combat
  • Nighttime
  • Blue
  • High Ground
  • Marksmen


  • Assassins
  • Red
  • Daytime
  • Low Ground
  • Sword Combat


  • Dueling
  • Writing
  • Climbing
  • Running
  • Shooting


  • 37007998_01ZtXE1NQYpDhKN.png
  • Despite being seen with them on his head, Cyto will hardly wear his goggles. The only times Cyto will wear them is in case of a serious mission, or duel with the Neo Burst division.
  • Cyto's pole, or alternative weapon is used only in emergencies. The ends of the pole has stun points that will stun people for 30 seconds before being able to move again.
  • Cyto's eyes being blue and black were both originally blue. However, due to a past incident, an everlasting mark was left on his left eye, making it black permanently. But when drawing him, feel free to do either blue eyes, or blue and black.
  • Despite having a busy life, Cyto will always find time to relax and play his eletric guitar. A talent that the Neo Marksmen Divison is aware about. His eletric guitar design is underway.
  • It's not rare to see Cyto on his own. He prefers spending time by himself and away from anyone to work on other things. Cyto can be seen with others though, however this is mostly during missions or arena duels and outside of these activites is very unlikely due to his closed nature.

Code by AviCode