


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Jinny

Gender: Female

Age: 16


??? - Mother

??? - Father

TBN - Adopted Older Brother

Fluffy - Frienenemy

Favorite Bands: My Chemical Romance, Blood on the Dance Floor, Type O Negative, Depeche Mode, Adam Lambert, I don't know how but they found me, etc.

Jinny is a disinterested teenager who likes the industrial, alternative rock and goth scenes. Preferring to hang in similar crowds and people or keeping her self busy on her phone when she has no interest of being near anyone. Only times she isn't glued to her phone is when out with friends, concerts, with her older brother, reading boy magazines, or knitting.

She grumbles frequently when people question her outfit choices or behaviour and states it "isn't a phase, it's a life choice." Jinny isn't rebelling against her parents just likes those particular styles of clothes and music. Her parents are supportive of it and as long as she isn't in trouble or with her brother if she goes out anywhere. Her knitting is one of the few things that pull her out of her bubble and she wishes to turn it into a career if possible. Though she doesn't knit in public cause it is lame and not cool but she keeps a pair of knitting needles hidden in her bun incase she isn't near anyone that is gonna cramp her hobby.