06. Yggdrasil Aegirsson



7 years, 3 months ago



Yggdrasil Aegirsson


[X784] | [X791] | [X792]


Race: Human
Role: Mage
Alias: Water Dragon Slayer, Yggy (pronounced: Iggy)
Orientation: Homosexual
Height: 6'2" | 188.0cm
Alignment: Good
Marital Status: Dating
Theme: song


  • Lamia Scale
  • Content
  • Content
  • Content


  • Grimoire Heart (former)
  • Dark Mages
  • Zeref
  • Content



Yggdrasil is a kind man who's patient and holds himself to a high standard. He's very driven by his own moral code and sticks by it. He's always kind to those he meets, showing off his compassion towards others in need. He's hardly offended by anyone, unless it was a slur or remark aimed at him but even then he's usually shrugging off the offenses. He's used to brushing off people's assumptions or lingering thoughts. Usually seen as being aloof or carefree but he's very kind and compassionate towards everyone. He's very chivalrous and will defend anyone over himself. He's usually seen holding Helblindi close to him if they're about to be caught up in a powerful attack. He usually steps between anyone in whatever immediate danger is going on. He believes there's always a reason to help someone and that there should be a hero at almost every turn. If he has to be that hero than so be it.

Aside from his noble nature, Yggdrasil is also a man who internalizes things. He doesn't want to burden people or make people worry about him. So he tends to put things on his shoulders and tries to do everything himself. He just wants to be helpful to those around him and to everyone in general. He wants to prove that to himself and to Aegir that helping people is the most paramount thing anyone can do. Being able to help people and make a difference is what he strives to do.


Yggdrasil was raised by Aegir, a Water Dragon. He was raised to use Water Dragon Slayer magic and taught a great deal of things from his mentor, best friend, and mother, Aegir. Yggdrasil treasures the moments he spent with his mother and was really moved by her point of view of the world. She helped built his moral compass and created his strong sense of justice as well. Yggdrasil was always compassionate and kinds towards just about anything. Aegir taught her son that there was always more to magic than he'd assume, it was one thing to use magic to fight but also another to heal and help people. He took all of his mother's teachings to heart and was saddened by her sudden disappearance.

It wasn't long before he found another place to call home and lived in Clover Town with Brise and her younger twin sisters. All of them grew up together like a family -- something Yggdrasil loves to reminisce about. All the memories he created with Brise and her sisters, Feu and Glace, made him feel welcomed and feel like he belonged somewhere. Which is why it hurt him when he upped and left them.

Yggdrasil left his new family to go search for his mother. Seeing how close Brise and her sisters were, made him think of Aegir. He wanted to find his mother to see if she was okay. So he set out to look for her in every corner of Fiore. When he couldn't find her there, he set out to look for her in the countries outside of Fiore. During his travels, he found people being harassed by dark guilds and mages and set out to help them. Eventually it turned into a crusade for trying to stop the dark mages -- to prevent them from achieving whatever dark machinations they had planned out.

It was working until he found himself in Caelum. Once he stepped foot in Caelum, everything became weird for him. Numerous dark mages tried to kidnap him and kept calling him their savior. It wasn't until he met Anubis and Ashe that he understood why they acted like that. He learned from them that the dark mages kept pestering him because he looked exactly like the first dark mage in Caelum's history -- who was also rumored to have a day of reckoning. Yggdrasil, with Ashe Fullbuster's help, managed to get away from Caelum and the dark mages that chased him.

However, his attempts were almost all for naught. As the leader of the dark guild pursuing him caught up to him. Yggdrasil used his magic to fend off the dark mage but had a hard time keeping his foe at bay. When he was sure he'd fall, Anubis appeared and helped him -- bringing his guild with him. The fight escalated between another clash between legal and dark mages before ending with Yggdrasil's attacker retreating. Yggdrasil felt exhausted, tired of being chased by a group of mages that said he was something he wasn't and set out to confront them one last time. However, he was accompanied by Anubis and his friends.

They set out towards the dark guild's headquarters and all but decimated the hierarchy of the guild. The guild hall and its various members however were defeated and torn down -- marking a turning point for Caelum's history. Feeling compelled by the mages around him, Yggdrasil started to warm up to the idea of fighting evil. Although he wasn't able to find a clue about Aegir's whereabouts, he continued his journey to find her.

Sometime later, Yggdrasil returned to Fiore. He was tracking down dark mages and leaving them in the custody of the Magic Council. Working alone in fighting against the dark guilds in the country was a hard feat for him. Though he kept his sights high -- on the Balam Alliance. An alliance of three of Fiore's strongest dark guilds. Seeing as the Oración Seis had fallen, he looked at Tartaros and Grimoire Heart. He started with Grimoire Heart and followed whatever leads he could find about them. He wasn't sure about their overall goal but had encountered a few of its members and engaged them in a few skirmishes here and there as they were trying to cause trouble.

Yggdrasil backtracked though, trying to stay out of the guild's sight by learning more about some of the members' origins. He knew that the guild's stronger members had access to Lost Magic and knew that all of it, to a degree, was probably immensely dangerous. Without knowing all of the guild's hierarchy by name, he instead looked into how the Oración Seis were brought down and what the guild's goals were. When he learned that Zeref was the reason, he then started to ferret out information on Grimoire Hearts' goal by attacking their members. He learned that they were after the dark mage's resurrection -- or so he assumed.

Yggdrasil followed this lead until he was confronted by Azuma, one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory -- the elite and powerful members of Grimoire Heart. He fought Azuma and managed to get away from him and the mages under his command. After he recovered from his fight, Yggdrasil found one of Azuma's men and extracted information about where Grimoire Heart was going to find Zeref's resting place. He was learned that Zeref and Tenrou Island were connected and set out to learn about the island. He went to Magnolia Town and learned that the island was a sacred place that belonged to Fairy Tail -- where the guild's founder and first master was buried. He also learned that it's where Fairy Tail's stronger members were, undergoing a promotional examination. However, something else also caught his sight -- Rune Knights. So Yggdrasil set out to the island -- fearing Grimoire Heart was already there.

Using his powers as a Water Dragon Slayer, Yggdrasil was able to travel through the sea to the island. He made it to the island in time to see that Grimoire Heart had started to attack the mages of Fairy Tail. He hurriedly made his way to stop the Seven Kin of Purgatory however was only able to encounter Rustyrose fighting Freed Justine, Bickslow, and Lisanna Strauss. He helped them get the upper hand in their fight and used his magic to heal some of their wounds after they managed to beat Rusyrose. He continued to lend his support to the injured mages of Fairy Tail and explained himself to Erza Scarlet. He explained why he was on Tenrou and apologized for intruding on the guild's sacred island.

After Grimoire Heart was pushed back and defeated, Yggdrasil was still concerned about the dark guild's intentions. He was worried if Zeref was reawakened and if the guild had actually succeeded. His concerns were answered when Acnologia appeared. Yggdrasil knew everyone on the island was in immediate danger. He also knew that Fairy Tail's guild mark was unique and would've protected the members of the guild -- or so he overheard from Makarov and Gildarts. Knowing his chances of survival were slim, Yggdrasil fled to the sea, trying to outrun the attack at least but was swept up in Mavis' spell and was asleep for seven years.

Seven years later, he awoke to floating in the sea and was confused about what happened. So he set out back to the mainland and learned a lot had happened since he disappeared. He learned that several years had passed and that Fairy Tail had technically been missing and considered deceased by most people. Yggdrasil managed to meet up with Ashe again and they caught up on what happened since they last saw each other. They traveled together until finding their way to Crocus, though they split up to go do their own thing as the Grand Magic Games started up again.

Yggdrasil tried to avoid the ire of the Rune Knights and locals around him, just keeping to himself. However, it was to no avail as he encountered an old friend of his -- Brise. He had encountered her before but usually in passing and not realizing it was really Brise though. She tried to convince him to stop running around and to go back to his family. However, it nearly fell on deaf ears as Helblindi, Yggdrasil's Exceed partner, explained that Yggdrasil wanted to prove himself to Brise, her sisters, and to Aegir too. He remained unmoved by Brise's pleas until after the Grand Magic Games. Seeing all the guilds exercise an over abundance of camaraderie warmed his heart really and he wanted to join that camaraderie as well. When the dragons appeared to wreck havoc on Crocus, Yggdrasil joined the fray -- teaming up with Cobra. Although there was animosity between them, the two tried their best to fend off the mighty beast but to no effect.

After the Grand Magic Games concluded, Yggdrasil made his way to Margaret Town with Brise and joined Lamia Scale.




[ Foster Mother ]
Yggdrasil's foster mother and his mentor who taught him to use Water Dragon Slayer magic. Aegir was patient and loving towards Yggdrasil, taking her time in mentoring and looking after him. She always believed patience to be a virtue and made sure he knew of it as well. Aegir has very fond memories of his mother and tries to exercise what she taught him. In memory of his mother, Yggdrasil prefers to avoid fights instead of partake in them. Living a life of peaceful content rather than exercise a violent quake towards those who oppose him. His mother preferred peace over fighting and Yggdrasil tries his best to avoid it if he's able. He misses his mother dearly and hopes to one day see her again to learn more form her.


[ Partner | Best Friend ]
Yggdrasil's partner and best friend. Helblindi adores Yggdrasil and looks up to him. She truly believes he's the strongest and kindest mage she's met -- albeit she hasn't met any mages aside from him, Brise, and Brise's sisters. After Yggdrasil rescued her when they were young, Helblindi promised to always follow him around so she could repay his kindness in helping her. She's always seen cheering for Yggdrasil and always looking for a reason to prove he's better than anyone else. Her devotion and affection for Yggdrasil is actually shown through her love for him and her appearance; Helblindi wears the same jacket Yggdrasil wears.

Brise LaCroix

[ Partner | Ex-Girlfriend ]
Yggdrasil's childhood friend and someone he has feelings for. When he was young, Brise took him in and helped her look after her younger siblings. They were always around each other and trained together to learn better and more powerful magic spells. They were always together and a few people from their town assumed they'd click together -- which spurred Yggdrasil into seeing Brise in a different way when they got older. Partially the reason he left Brise and her sisters was because he was worried about how she saw him. He wanted to prove to the world that fighting wasn't the answer to everything and wanted to prove he could accomplish that goal. However his assumption in working alone proved wrong as she chased after him anyways. After helping out in the dragon fight that happened after the Grand Magic Games had finished, Yggdrasil admitted his feelings for Brise and apologized for his assumptions. He now strives to redeem himself and appear as a better man to her.

Mest Gryder

[ Byfriend ]
Blurbs go here

Magic & Trivia

Magic Type

  • Dragon Slayer Magic: Water Dragon Slayer

Yggdrasil was taught how to use Water Dragon Slayer magic by the Water Dragon, Aegir. His type of magic deals with the manipulation of water. He mostly relies on water as a conduit for his magic. The differences in freshwater and ocean water are vast in terms of the damage he's able to do and the healing he can give to allies. He's able to temporarily transform his body into water at will -- much like Juvia. It makes it hard to land an attack however if he's solidified thru ice or fire magic, it makes it hard for him to dodge attacks.

He's able to use his magic for both healing, defensive, and offensive purposes -- however he's healing magic isn't as effective as Wendy's, it gets the job done. Yggdrasil's magic is highly reliant on the water source near him. If he's using ocean water, his offensive magic is more powerful however his defensive and healing magic suffer. Whereas if he's near freshwater, his healing and defensive magic are more effective with his offensive magic taking a noticeable hit. This is just for reference if he ingests water of either kind. He's able to tell the difference if he drink it from a container.

Yggdrasil is a First Generation Dragon Slayer; having learned his magic directly from the dragon Aegir.


  • Water Dragon's Roar: Like all Dragon Slayers, Yggdrasil's roar generates a whirlpool of water towards his opponent. He's able to inflict a lot of damage through this attack. The burst of energy is enough to tear through buildings and so on like most Dragon's Roar abilities.
  • Water Dragon's Bubble: Yggdrasil can spew bubbles or create them for either an offensive or defensive purpose. The offensive version adds heated water into the bubbles and can burn as it inflicts damage. The defensive version simply puts him, or whoever he's protecting, into a bubble that protects them from a blast of magic.
  • Water Dragon's Whirlpool: If he's near a body of water, Yggdrasil's able to create a whirlpool to attack his enemies. If he's not near it, he's able to create a whirlpool out of the water vapor around him to inflict damage.
  • Water Dragon's Tsunami: Like with Bubble, Tsunami has two versions to it: attack and defense. The attack builds a wall of water to cascade towards his foe(s). The defense is him being able to use it as a shield to absorb magic attacks.
  • Water Dragon's Wing: Yggdrasil's able to create a pair of water wings to defend himself and whoever's near him.
  • Water Dragon's Water Whip: Yggdrasil's arm take on a watery form and he's able to use it like a whip. Works for legs too.
  • Water Dragon's Healing Hands: Yggdrasil's able to heal people from whatever damage they might've sustained from battle. Although it's not as strong as Sky Dragon or Sky God healing magic, it's good for superficial wounds and works as a numbing agent. The longer he uses this spell to heal, the more magic is drained from him.
  • Dragon Drive/Force: A magic-amplification technique that brings out Yggdrasil's power as a Dragon Slayer. It profoundly boosts his magic and physical strength as well as his speed. His body actually liquifies and is able to easily absorb water vapor to restore his energy. He moves around similar to Juvia except he's able to change between being a body of water or himself. He's able to shift between either form quickly but the more he does it, the more magic energy it draws out of him. He uses this form as a way to enhance his offensive spells when he's in a pinch. He doesn't rely on it too much and doesn't want people to figure out possible weaknesses -- granted if he's stayed in the form long enough to figure out whether there are any.

Enhanced Abilities

  • Smell/Eyesight/Hearing: Yggdrasil has a very keen sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight. Like other Dragon Slayers, he's able to see, smell, and hear better than other people.
  • Strength: Like other Dragon Slayers, Yaggdrasil's strength is near superhuman. He's able to keep up with just about any fighter and looks forward to using any of his brute strength if he's able.
  • Endurance: Yggdrasil has great physical stamina. Being able to use Tsunami and Whirlpool in succession to one another and then heal or defend himself when needed. This is referenced in his fight against Rustyrose when he summoned three whirlpools to thwart Rustyrose's spells and then used his Tsunami spell to defend Freed, Bickslow, Lisanna, and himself.
  • Durability: He's shown an immense reliance in a fight. Being able to take on Rustyrose and later Zancrow in an attempt to defend Natsu from his Flame God Slayer magic. Yggdrasil took on the attack without blinking an eye and even used it against Zancrow to inflict damage on him. He engaged Rustyrose in some hand-to-hand combat, albeit ending up fighting whatever spell he conjured up instead. Yggdrasil also showed some skill in being able to fend off a Rune Knight's attempt to conceal his magic. He simply brushed it off like it was nothing.
  • Reflexes: Yggdrasil, like other Dragon Slayers, has sharp reflexes and agility. He's able to evade attacks and rebound with a counterattack with relative ease.


  • An alternate universe, Yggdrasil is an infamous dark mage in Caelum. He didn't use Dragon Slayer Magic but Celestial Magic. He is renowned as one of Caelum's strongest mages and the founder of the dark guild, Fated Ragnarok. Fated Ragnarok is the strongest and oldest dark guild in Caelum and the guild's goal is reawaken Yggdrasil from his slumber so he can bring Jörmungandr to eat all the light in the world and let darkness reign. Yggdrasil disappeared after a fight with his rival and has yet to be found. Many mages thought he was dead, however his descendants knew he was asleep somewhere in Caelum.
    • Yggdrasil was so well known for malicious nature and expertise with magic. He had a cult dedicated to his malevolent nature called "The Cult of Yggdrasil.
    • Three of Yggdrasil's present day descendants are said to have the same well of magic power Yggdrasil was said to have when he was alive. His descendants also chase down Yggdrasil's alternate counterpart -- claiming that they finally found their dark lord. Although the Dragon Slayer Yggdrasil is nothing like his evil counterpart, his pursuers are very dedicated to making sure they bring him back. However they lost track and interest in his whereabouts after the Tenrou Island Incident -- rumors of their guild having been destroyed by both the legal guilds and the magic council in Caelum.
