


3 years, 28 days ago




Name Malkior
Called Malkior
Age Unknown (dead)
Gender Male (he/him)
Race Pride Demon (Level 5)
Role Antagonist
Alignment Lawful evil
Theme Song link


  • conceited
  • hard-working
  • intelligent


  • being busy
  • weapons
  • himself

Malkior and his basically-child, Icairo, are demon hunters who are tasked with bringing run-away demons back home. They are some of the few characters that have access to the demon prison. Malkior seems almost emotionless, always having a smile plastered on his face. His high ranking is the main reason he got the position of "demon hunter," however, he is very skilled at what he does. Malkior holds great pride in his job.


The story begins with Luce finding his way to the "livingworld" through a portal hiden away in a castle owned by one of the demon kings. This portal lands Luce right outside of a human's house. Luce breaks into the house through a doggy door and seeks shelter for the night. Morning comes and Luce makes friends with Toby, the human who lives in the house. Over the course of living in the livingworld, Luce only reveals himself to three other humans. After the underworld notices Luce's disappearance, a search party of "demon hunters" comes to drag Luce back to where he belongs.

Underworld arc

Luce is dragged back to the underworld and is imprisoned for his escape. Toby repairs a sigil that allows him to cross to the underworld and save Luce before he gets hurt.

Aboveworld arc

Luce learns how to make a portal to the aboveworld and is set on finding the other half of his soul. However, many things are revealed that changes Luce's world forever.


  • Malkior's cloak gem has her name scratched into it. This is a considered a demon's "id".
  • Malkior owns a weapon that he can summon at will. This is a skill that only rank 4 and higher demons have.
  • He is always smiling
  • Demons have much higher body heat compared to any living creature. Cold substances such as rain, snow, ice, or anything frozen will hurt to a demon. This will not cause any lasting damage, however, it is incredibly uncomfortable.
  • The X on Malkior's face that represents how he died is hidden by his mask. Demons are often not told how they died. Malkior does not hide it for any self-conscience reason. He simply likes how the mask makes him look more intimidating.
  • All demons also have an angel side. A demon is only half of a full soul. The demon half is made up of a person's bad energy, which allow an angel to have a stress-free afterlife while still keeping their memories. A demon will most likely never meet their other half.



Icairo [ dependent / coworker ]

Icairo is sent alongside Malkior to hunt down demons and drag them to the underworld prison system. Overtime, Icairo starts to see Malkior as a parental-figure as Malkior is the only demon to ever give Icairo respect. Icairo is the only person Malkior genuinely cares about.


Terra [ temp. coworker ]

Malkior is a heavily trained demon hunter who was sent to lead a mission to hunt down runaway Luce and drag him back the the underworld's prison. Terra argued with higher up demons until eventually she was allowed to join Malkior and Icairo in their mission. Malkior couldn't care less about Terra.


Luce [ enemy ]

Malkior's current job is to catch Luce, the runaway demon, and drag him back to the underworld.


Wrath's Soul Keeper [ coworker? ]

Malkior often has to visit Soul Keepers in order to gather information on a run-away demon. They are about equal standing in the hierarchy of the underworld.


Toby [ enemy ]

Simply sees Toby as a random human. Does not see him as a threat, just an inconvenience.