


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info








18 y.o

Blood Type


Height/ Weight

165 cm [5'55"] | 55 kg [122 lbs]

Eye/ Hair Color

Sapphire [left], Gold [right]/ Pink

Key Item(s)

Pocket knife, rubix cube


 Character's point of interest :
♢ Since Pyr was born in a nomadic troupe, he trained in acrobatic and throwing knife division.
Later allow him to combined them with martial art and use it for combat.
♢ Pyr once joined an underground organization as an assassin. Aside from that, he also joined information broker division
and often make money as a swindler. Despite that outside the job he's a complete fool.

♢ Red
♢ Hunt
♢ Acrobatic 
♢ Daydreaming
♢ Runa

Stingy People 
♢ Thunder 
♢ Sailing (have seasickness)
♢ Rain 
♢ Human (except his friends)

 Personality :
Keywords: Fun Loving, creative, carefree, active, odd, childish, mischievous, daredevil, liar, devoted

Pyr is a cheerful boy who always seek for fun things. He act like a child despite his age. Pyr doesn't care what people judge him and have his own perspective about things. The boy love to move around, so it's hard to find him, it's also usual if you found him in uncommon place like roof or an alley. Pyr also have some issue with his personality, he have an odd taste of things and have fun trick other people.

Pyr is not easily trust people, but when he come to trust someone, he'll have deep respect to the person. In casual life, he tend to be very noisy, whenever he talk to other people. Following by his childish trait, Pyr talk in blunt manner. In the other hand, when he have to deal with his job's client, he try to keep his mouth, though he have some problem with that and it's not rare in the end that his childish side shows up. When it's comes to the job, he's love to finished it in various way, searching some methods make his brain work. Despite that, he lacking many of basic knowledge, because no one teach him. The pink rabbit boy also always seen in business smile, moreover when it's comes to his second job. He even can speak a lie smoothly with the same kind of face. Pyr also happy when he sent out of mission, because he claim that his job is very fit for him, he just love enjoying dangerous things though maybe he can't handle it.

 Biography :

 Trivia :
♢ He use red contact lens, but somehow he lost one of them. Actually he was planned to buy a new pair, but when he look at the mirror he actually like the new pair of color and in the end leave it be.
♢ He planned to use tattoo to cover his scar on face, from times he was small while practicing knife throwing, but end up love it, Pyr decide to create tattoo all over his left side body
♢ Pyr always eat sweet, it's rare to see him eat some normal food
♢ Have a seasick
♢ Spend most of his free time playing rubix cube (which never finished) or daydreaming
♢ He has a stitch on his ear because he accidentally sliced it with his knife once
♢ The troupe he was in is consist humans and rabbits, but human population dominate the troupe number, which cause the member look down upon the rabbits. He and his mother were discriminated and also the cause of his mother death. This is the reason he hate human.