~♡Quill♡~'s Comments

If they are up for offer I can offer 

I can do 1 fulled shaded half shot for them!

here’s examples of my art! :https://toyhou.se/15214127.art-for-others-gallery 

i can offer some art for him

would u be able to show me some of your furry art examples? :3 sorry all my characters are furry so i just wanted to see how u draw animals UwU

dm me on discord, midnight#2125

aah kk, im unable to dm you as of now but ill dm u in a hour or two (im in school atm so ill dm u during break)

oh dw you can do it when rlly have time, i don't mind ^^

I’ve sent a request, my user is something like this person you dont know#6669

You can look at the other folders tho :>

Heyy is he still for sale? I love his design and body oml :O

Yeah! He is ufo but I’m a little bit picky with him. feel free to offer for him doe UwU

You can take a look at my characters and see if there’s anyone you like! Except for my favorites folder, the rest is mostly ufo but others are tent.

Lmk and otherwise I can offer art :3

Aah I had a look but didn’t see anybody I’d use twt. And I’m mainly just looking for trades 4this guy :3

Ahh oki, what are you interested in?

I can offer 2 fullbodies lmk if that’s not enough ^^

Aah nty. Ty for the offer though. I’m just looking for trades for this lad :3

1 Replies

hoi hoi! does anybody from my unsorted interest you for them? you can pick around 1-4 ocs :3

i can also add art if you'd like me to add :3

UwU if not thats all good. I hope u have a good day or night :3

I was browsin' and the monke man caught my lil eye 👀 they look like a pretty high end character so if you were up to trading them I could add on my part, but I could only offer art atm (❁´◡`❁)

Yeah ofc I can trade him nwn! I’ll send u them now :D (also no need to add, I’m fine with trading him for just the monster man UwU)


tysvm for the trade :D 

I hope u have a wonderfull day or night!!

Tysm as well! And right back at you o(〃^▽^〃)o