


3 years, 29 days ago


anya is a borzoi woman in her early-mid 30s who keeps to herself most of the time. she's a surgeon and is well-read, taking pride in her level of intellect. without meaning to, she often treats others like they're much dumber than she is. she loves meeting new people one on one and studies the ones she's interested in very seriously. 

on the surface she's demure and sweet, a little awkward even. if you get her talking about one of her favorite subjects, she might not stop. these interests include anatomy, living experiments, taxidermy, dismemberment, vivisection, anesthesia, and much of the like. oh, she also likes playing the piano and looking at renaissance art. 

she has a soft spot for people who have gray morals, especially if they have a lot of guilt. she finds it very cute. the more cognitive dissonance someone shows, the more her interest is piqued. mind games are her favorite, mostly to get reactions out of the people she meets. she's a touch sadistic in this...the people she keeps around tend to change their mannerisms after a while. it's a mystery as to why. 

she stands at a willowy 6'2" without shoes on, but she likes to wear boots that give her a little more. she is a cisgender, bisexual woman and her birthday is 11/11. 

while she is affectionate, excitable, and violent, she's not a jealous type in the slightest. she can be possessive, but she isn't reliant on the love or attention of anyone specific. there's no known reason as to why she's attracted to the bizarre and violent, but this isn't something that will ever change about her.

as it comes to what she wears, it depends on the situation and what she wants from it. she likes flowy, draping fabrics because it makes her feel like a real renaissance woman. this is too embarrassing for her to admit, however. as she's fairly wealthy, all of her clothing is nice and flattering to her body and coloring. the only exception is when she has to wear scrubs for work. if she were to style her way in different ways, it would likely just be so she doesn't get it in her eyes. she is a soft autumn with a soft dramatic body type.

gore art is cool 

ship art is ok with permission

i don't want her around characters who aren't at least 18