


3 years, 4 months ago



Name Tod W. Alerno
Age 8
Alias Julia
Gender Male
Sexuality Asexual
Pronouns He/Him
Role Main Character
Race Nix

  • Two small grey horns
  • A pair of big red eyes
  • Wears a dark red dress like sweater
  • Has albinism
  • Has dwarfism

Tod is a short albino Nix that lives with his family that are also an albino except for his brother, Brutus.

He has a very kind and caring personality even though he's quite unpredictable with his actions. Some words may go off as a bluff as he has a soft-spoken voice. Sometimes, it may be a warning but it always gets lost in the way he words his sentences.

He has several friends that come and go but he doesn't really mind what type of friends he has. They're always the same.

He was never the main character; he only took the role after the first one died.


Pacifist Genocide
Observant Dense
Logical Emotional
Extroverted Introverted
Goodwill Spiteful


A child won't be able to bring upon themselves to hurt anyone or lie since they live in good supervision of their parents, right?

His parents did a bad job at it and soon followed their footsteps; making the wrong decisions only to tell himself that he's doing a good thing since he sees the adults doing it. So why not him as well?

Breaking Point

Taking out the anger on inanimate objects with the help of Todd. Something tells him that it's bad to do so but with the pent-up grudges building in him; he's just following the footsteps of the first main character.

An exchange for his own soul to feel that bit of love without feeling so used. The exchange only comes back to bite him and made him see on how disgusting the real world truly came to be.


As a child, his mother always wanted a daughter. He'll soon become one eventually later in the future when he's older unless his father can find a doctor willing to operate on an 8-year-old.

His oldest brother, Julius, loves him very dearly. Family comes first.

Tod is allergic to milk, or so what he was told. He's afraid of loud noises and would usually curl up in a ball when it gets too much for him to handle. He hates looking at his own reflection as it always reminds him of the horrors of what the first main character has left for him or just seeing on how ugly he is.

He doesn't know his rights and his wrongs as he was never properly educated nor sent to school for education. He also has a very high pain tolerance so it makes it harder for him to sympathize with people that have been hurt. He doesn't have control over the situation as he wasn't even in control in the first place.

Fun Facts

  • A smile on his face can be the last thing you'll see. He may be small but he's way bigger than you think.
  • Has insomia and started sleeping with one of his eyes open.
  • He's forced to wear dresses.
  • Knows how to use a gun after his father taught him how.
  • Brutus taught him about the functions of one's body and where to properly aim.
  • Can only count up to 20.
  • Can't swim.
  • Knows how do sign language.
  • 'Find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.'

Health Pretty Healthy
Mental Health Broken
Strengths Todd
Sin Wrath
Virtue Magnanimity

Designer Im_A_Maggie
Obtained Initial Creation
Status Never for sale/trade
Value Very valuable





He was rarely seen as he hated getting into problems even though he holds the answers.

Seen only once in a blue moon.


Doesn't pay that much attention to Tod that much but still loves him as she knew that he'll be someone that she can finally put her attention on.

She has a very cold personality which can sometimes make Tod uneasy whenever around her as it always feels like she is always judging his every move. She was never a mother to begin with but it was a role permanently stamped on her the moment she gave birth to Julius and Brutus.


He has a very kind personality in which Tod loves about him. Even though he wasn't present that much in the family, he tries to support his family in any way he can.

He has a heart condition that makes things hard for him to do but he kept it a secret from the family as he didn't want them to worry about him. Even with an illness, he likes to spend his time with his family or be away betting on horse races.

Oldest Brother

A kind and loving brother. He usually has a smile on his face but hates it whenever he sees Brutus, knowing this, he started spending most of his time only for Tod and even started becoming a role model for him.

He's the role model for Tod as he spends almost all his time with Tod. He also taught Tod how to doublespeak, as a leader himself, he uses it very often when it comes to play.

Second Oldest Brother

Bullies Tod all the time and always tries to find a way to start a fight with him.

Has a very cold personality as he was neglected by his own family but Tod usually checks up with him to see how he's doing, which he hates a lot. Even though he's the black sheep of the family, he still wanted to be like Julius: Being close with Tod.

Tod W. Alerno






  • Can't swim/drink milk.
  • Can understand morse code.
  • Can't focus on one thing properly.
  • Never went to school.

Design Notes

  • Two small grey horns
  • A pair of big red eyes
  • Wears a dark red dress like sweater
  • A short albino child


Tod grew up in a neighborhood where laws were made to be broken; making it one of the dangerous neighborhoods but at the same time, the security was pretty tight. Quickly shooting those who did a crime just to skip putting them in a jail cell but it doesn't mean that all the security follows the rules.

Several generations happened before Tod's time. He knew he had a family tree of relatives but he had never met them yet in his life; only Todd and Astro. He wonders if they are even alive in the first place.

They held family traditions of which the generations that followed behind his family were all albino but it wasn't the case as there were some cases of some relatives that have melanism in their genes. Might be the case of a curse but he wasn't sure to think about it since he was still a child but he recalls pretty clearly hearing his parents argue about it late at night. It might be a story to scare him but he clearly has a brother with melanism, things aren't adding up with one another...

Tod's Wardrobe

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