
3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Approximate Human Age

Early 30s


Vivi, Vivian, Cookie-Boy (much to his dismay)


Grey ace, panromantic


Kirin Silberman


Kirin's partner pokemon and the team's strategic leader.

What Envy lacks in strength, he makes up for in speed and cunning. He has a keen eye and his intuition in a battle is unmatched by his teammates. His strong bond with his trainer translates to an impressive synergy during battles, and while his teammates may not always take him seriously outside of a match, they know not to mistake him as a pushover.

Outside of battle, Envy's strongest bonds are with his trainer, with whom he has a mother-son-like relationship, and his best friend and second-in-command, Remi. Envy is a strange mix of anxious and cocky. He is standoffish towards strangers, often cold and distrusting, but is easily won over by praise. He hates being touched my those he does not know well but craves physical contact from those he is closest to; snuggling, nuzzling, and twining his tail around their hands as often as they'll let him.

Envy is loyal to those he cares for, often to a fault. Someone he loves can never possibly do anything wrong! Living up to his namesake, Envy can become extremely protective and possessive of those he holds dear. An insult to their character or an attempt made to vie for their attention are often met with the same contempt, and are seen as slights against him personally. One of the worst instances of Envy's jealousy is his loathing of Kirin's long-time boyfriend, Oliver.