
3 years, 17 days ago


AFTRMF 08/17/2018
Species: Human
Gender: X (he/she/they)
Color: Yellow
Codename: n/a
Position: Reactor/Seismology & Geology
Role: Varied
Background: Astronaut
Status: Cycling
Apperances: Aftermath


  • Hat: Headslug


Yves is a person who means well deep down, but can often put his foot in his mouth. They’re a bit impulsive and can act without thinking, but usually end up regretting their actions when they do so. She’s quick to apologize when she gets things wrong, and is usually able to smooth things over because she genuinely does regret when she messed up. He’s usually a little hesitant to believe the warnings about the impostor at first, sometimes attributing the first death to an accident, but will change his mind pretty quickly when he sees evidence. Their deductions are very hit-or-miss, they either have everything right or everything wrong with very little in between. She’s pretty outgoing and social and will often team up with others to do her tasks with them.

As Impostor (Human):
Yves is a pretty good impostor. Like many of the others, he’s a little hesitant at first, but will often decided to rush into the first kill just to get it over with. They’re pretty good at keeping an eye on their surroundings and don’t often get caught with their hands dirty. She can do very well in meetings as she has a pretty good “poker face” (more voice/body language instead of actual face), but occasionally will let something slip that gets her caught.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (Polus)

Yves trained with MIRA as an astronaut and ended up on the Aftermath crew as the crew’s reactor/seismology & geology officer.


The aftermath crew was sent to follow up after the prequel mission had to abandon their mission early. Shortly after landing on Polus, MIRA lost all contact with them due to an invisible energy field surrounding the research base set up by the impostors.

For two years, the aftermath crew is stuck in a time loop, set up by the original impostors- shapeshifting aliens whose home planet is Polus- to get revenge on the humans for stealing their resources and maybe get some entertainment in the process. Originally, the aliens infect the crew every loop, but to avoid danger to their own people, the aliens decide to simply make the humans kill eachother instead.

The aliens set up a system where the memories of everyone who “loses” or dies get erased after each loop, and the crew is incentivized to survive and “win” (kill everyone as impostor or get out the impostors as a crewmate) so they keep their memories.

Slowly, the crew starts to try and find ways out of the loop, discovering “blind spots” where they can hide objects so they won’t be altered between loops. They start keeping a log of the events of each loop, and start doing experiments on how to escape.

However, following a series of events where the captain goes missing, the first officer dies for good, and everyone loses their memory at once, the crew forgets about the experiments for a while.



thingy 2

  • AFTRMF 0-304: Human, Varied, Varied (memory-manipulating cycles)
  • [Consequences: Aftermath] AFTRMF 305: Human, Crewmate, Dead (memory-manipulating cycle)
  • AFTRMF 306+: Human, Varied, Varied (memory-manipulating cycles)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of AFTRMF crew (@ Polus, The Skeld, MIRA HQ)
  • All of AFTRMF crew *except Blessing and Wonder* & Gray [AFTRMF], Blakely [CONQ], Wilson [CONQ], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ] (@ Polus)
Relationships Of Note
profile code by physics