Kermir Ellire



3 years, 26 days ago


Kermir would never go to the dark carnival! She’s part of Multiface’s Deal!! So she’d go straight to her. But imagine the conflict between the two!! Multiface- “Shame our little deal didn’t work out” Kermir - “I’d rather be stuck here with you and Staget over you having the souls of Kathra’s rebellion. Those are good trolls, trolls that don’t deserve to be in the presence of such a cold being like yourself” (Multiface) and to think I had such high hopes for you...I see now my blood has been wasted on you.

Kermir’s Descend is Krallu’s morail [10:49 AM] She’s just as bad if not worse than he is. She’s got a smart head on her shoulders and honestly, between the two, she’s the brain. She’ll encourage Krallu’s bad behaviour and bail him out of any trouble he manages to get himself into - She also has no regard for life and is a control freak. She’s basically a modern day Staget, always wanting to get into trouble and be the big dog on the block. If anyone opposes her, Krallu is quick to put them in their place, that place being 6 feet underground, cause you’ll be dead. Everyone mostly avoids the pair out of fear for their lives as well as their property I think she’d even take an interest in Aitha for her blood colour, legends tell of how strong sea dwellers are, but she doesn’t realise how sensitive and soft Aitha is, to her it’s a bit of a joke. Her name is Arvene Ellire

I was gonna say she’s a pyromaniac Little outta her mind - Is a bitch, She picks on Belize’s Dancestor but Kathra’s Dancestor sticks up for her, cause only he can pick on the emotional sponge