


3 years, 1 month ago


So her and Kathra are very close. Like very very close. He’s known her since she was tiny - He’d help her with church and Staget’s teachings (they wouldn’t match up with what her bible thing said, so she’d go to him), When the rebellion started up, Kathra disappeared and everyone in the church thought he was dead, so that’s what everyone believed - Well Ari was suspicious Belize knew something about his disappearance - Which she did, Belize was hiding him this whole time But Ari thought she killed him, thinking maybe their kismetude was taken too far?

She’s a well known subjuggulator when she gets older (for Kathra’s honor, she always saw him as a big tough subjug even tho he wasnt), she hates being one cause she’s such a soft bab But she is very very strong and has a very hot temper

Itrera gets word that Anaria is not only a strong subjug, but that she also has ties to Kathra and Belize, So he questions her on this Ari has no idea that Kathra is starting a rebellion She knows nothing, so she tells him everything And he hires her as an assasin