Oak (WIP)



9 years, 3 months ago


Oak is friendly but very mysterious--a keeper of many secrets. She is known as trustworthy and nonjudgmental, which is perhaps why fellow Shroomkin often come to her to talk about things they would rather others not know. Not all her secrets belong to others, though. She lives in amongst a copse of Live Oaks and is a member of the Acorn Clan.


The territory of the Acorn Clan is marked by extensive old-growth oak woodlands with grassy underbrush. (Similar to these woodlands.) The trees here sit farther apart than Shroomkin typically prefer, as oaks and their companions need more sunlight than the evergreens Shroomkin are often drawn to, but the Shroomkin of this clan have adapted well, and enjoy basking in sunlit clearings for short periods of time and creating reflective decorations for their homes to catch the extra light. They tend to be excellent at camouflage and hiding, as since there are fewer shadows to take refuge in, they have had to become more cautious and clever-footed for their clan location to remain secret from humans. Acorns are abundant in the clan's territory, and considered a favorite food by many Shroomkin here; during the seasonal gatherings, acorns are ground into flour and baked into special celebratory breads. The prevalence of the acorns and oak galls also means that it is quite easy for any Shroomkin of the Acorn Clan to dye plant fibers, and some have taken up the hobby of creating intricately dyed fabric furnishings for their tree homes.
The Acorn Clan has a congenial relationship of mutual respect with the elkh who come to visit the nearby shrine.