


Basic Info

Full Name

Vander du Hound






Confident, daring, sarcastic. A bit rough around the edges and seemingly fickle, Vander is a wolf that challenges how others view nobility very openly and without a care. Though he appears to be almost rogue-like, Vander, in fact, has a rather big heart and is protective of those he cares about. He is shameless about most things, but is vulnerable about being teased when it comes to Frederica, whether he is being teased about him, or Frederica is the one who is doing the teasing.








Free Company Leader / Mercenary


Duke du Hound / Captain Van


He has deep knife scar on his abdomen and jagged scar across his spine


bits of info before i write him a full profile:

- He is the head of his household as well as the du Hound Duchy. His family is directly a part of the royal bloodline via his mother and therefore split off into dukedom only a single generation away as she did not wish to marry a foreign prince. He is somewhat considered a Prince by the eyes of the general public.

- His only remaining direct family is his mother, as his father had passed very early on and his mother did not remarry nor had any children prior. 

- He's close with his cousin who is the Crown Prince as well as his (the crown Prince's) younger sister. However, he does not like the king regent, his grandfather, due to his infidelity which led to a lot of in-fighting between illegitimate heirs and heartache for his mother, uncle, and grandmother, who had passed away from heartbreak. He'd been very close with his grandmother and resents his grandfather immensely.

- Subsequently, this led him to being incredibly disgusted with the half uncles and aunts, who have been recognized by the king regent in case anything were to happen to the crown prince, as he had no other sons with the late queen.

- He was born sooner than his cousin and was the one who had defended the crown prince and his younger sister from the snakes that are his half cousins that had constantly schemed and plotted. He is pretty much recognized as an elder brother to the both of them. He is 12 years the senior to his male cousin and 17 years senior to his female cousin.

- The former king, Vander's uncle, had passed away after the loss of his wife, leaving the crown prince and princess to fend for themselves. Were it not for Vander's constant and vigilant protection alongside his mother, the crowned heirs to the throne would have been long since passed.

- Because he had dealt with many of the poisonous schemes by his half aunts/uncles and half cousins, he'd grown up "rough" and "rogue-like" in the eyes of many nobility, however, it did not deter him. He became stronger and clever, which eventually led him to form a secret Free Company to expand his physical power as well as further protect the two of them.

- After his informant let him know that his half cousins were scheming to find an elusive and famous jeweler known for his powerful enchantments, Vander immediately set out. Not willing to allow his half cousins get their hands on potentially powerful magic, he sought Frederica by his own means and eventually sniffs out his next location. After hours of talk, he'd finally cracked a small hole in Frederica's mask in which he finally caved and allowed Vander to become his personal mercenary.