


6 years, 11 months ago


  • daeun 'lavender' lim

  • another one of the founding members of entity. she's a creative writing student at the same university as jade & cerise

  • she's the only one of the trio who can actually drive- her parents paid for lessons as a 18th birthday present

  • she doesn't own a car bcs it's just easier to take the tram

  • has gained some infamy as a parody writer with some major skill with purple prose. her actual serious writing has yet to gain any traction

  • always smells of lush bathbombs

  • her family's always had close ties to various elder gods and so she's pretty chill about the whole eldritch abomination thing

  • her parents tried to make her learn violin or the piano or literally any musical instrument in her youth but as it turns out, she's not great at music

  • knows a little bit of magic- mostly enchanting stuff- but things tend to go wrong and she's accidentally made a few cursed items before

  • 'lavender' actually started as her online alias when she was 10. cerise & jade are pretty much the only people who call her nari

  • yes, lavender is actually her favourite colour

  • likes squid