


3 years, 17 days ago

Basic Info


Badger snake








March 23

Date Created



Renard - Child's Cry

(I'm finally writing all of this, but I'm not doing anything with his story anymore at the time of me writing this. These are old concepts. Warnings for edge.)

Ctyngan's father was a badger and his mother was a snake. With such mixed parents, his childhood was anything but ideal. He was the only one of his siblings who survived. Genetic complications either killed them when they were very young or when they were unborn. The deaths of her children made his mother very unstable and bitter. At an undefined age, she took Ctyngan and left his father. His mother was very dismissive and belittled him from a young age. She frequently called him weak and worthless. This had a deep impact on Ctyngan's mind. He grew to believe he was only worthy of love if he was strong. He detested the weak, and in turn, detested himself due to his weak and unstable body. During his teenage years, he became very fixated on folklore and stumbled upon one that consuming body parts of an albino can grant physical strength as well as immunity to disease. Something clicked inside his mind at that moment, and he became obsessed with the so-called mystical powers albinos possess. After many years of ruminating over it, the very concept became warped in his mind. He believed eating albino children would grant him godlike power. In his adult years, he begins to kidnap albino children and take him to his "orphanage" which he dubbed "ANGELS." At this point, he would hold them in captivity until he was ready to eat them. He became increasingly sadistic in his methods. He thought this made him powerful, but in reality, targeting children showed how pathetic and weak he was. The unusually high amount of children going missing sparked panic, and authorities could not find out why. Fast forward a few years later, a certain albino deer finds himself in Ctyngan's clutches, but he manages to escape before he is eaten. The boy tells of what he saw, and ANGELS is investigated. When authorities arrive, the building is completely empty. Ctyngan's sudden disappearance could not be explained, but albino children continued to irregularly go missing until a few years ago.