


3 years, 1 month ago


Cleric via divine favor vs. actively worshipping a god. God was like yes you look good at conducting. Go zap stuff. 

The god is one of destructive forces. As long as cat friend keeps fighting, god is fine with letting her do whatever. Cat also has vengeance quest that threw her life into conflict, so she can no longer live a peaceful life. 

She seeks out the most dangerous missions, hoping to strengthen her inner storm and find the thing responsible for killing her loved one (her owner, partner, etc).

Standoffish around others, but does kind/helpful acts under the radar. Doesn't get close to others because it would be dangerous for them. 

Takes good care of her fur because her loved one always used to complement her on it.  


on her god:

A cat never forgets, and, for those who crave revenge, they need only call on this goddess.

Simply called The Storm by most, she prowls the land, said to bring thunder and lightning in her wake. She seeks out cats who are consumed by loss, those who have been wronged, and kindles the vengeance inside them. Then she sits back to watch the show.

She’s tied to domains of storms, vengeance, and battle. Though some joke tragedy to be hers as well, as she enjoys no show greater than this.

Of the Ailirokin, she most closely aligns with Tom. Though she and the great mother don’t usually interact, when a human harms her children Storm happily serves.

Her followers pay tribute to her through battle. Once taken by The Storm, very few return to a peaceful life. To do so would be a slight against The Storm, and slighting a goddess of revenge is something that even the most foolhardy know to not to do.