[taken] Gannon



6 years, 11 months ago



Name:   Gannon

Nicknames:  Whatever you want if you wish to be dead.

Age:   Adult   (unknown age)

Species:   Wildling Unicorn

Clan:   Tarandus/Melursus (No longer lives in either)

Occupation:  Wandering Death Wave. Literally, he has no job but to make your life a living hell.

Likes:   Power. Nothing else.

Dislikes:   Obnoxious and loud wildlings, "justice", any mention of spiritual or  god like business, he doesn't believe in any of that nonsense.

Personality:    Cruel, Manipulative, Cynical, CAN be civil but being anywhere near him  to experience this without him turning on you is very slim. He has much  pride in his power and dark magic and will use it at any moment if  angered or fed up with ones presence.  It's said he used to be an  innocent child with a warm heart many years ago, but something locked  that away or "shattered" it to pieces.

More detailed info:

Many  years ago, when this wildling was but a young foal, he was innocent and  sweet. All he ever wanted was to play with his friends and explore with  them, but one day they'd called him "weak" and that he lacked the power  needed for their trips from now on. He was stunned to say the least but  this didn't bother him, he simply searched out magic he could learn  from Melursus (where he was born) and stumbled upon some...probably  unfavorable magic. (Dark magic, the beginning of the built up chaos in  him).  

When he'd learned it and felt the power surging through him  he'd deemed it okay to go to his friends once more and insist he come  along! He could even protect them now, however..his friends still  declined his offer, telling him that he was still not strong enough and  that taking the power he'd found was something a weak wildling would do,  somehow these words broke something within his mind.

His power  was never good enough for them, no matter how hard he tried his own  friends still denied his request to join their little adventures, it was  possible it was to keep him safe but at the same time he certainly did  not realize it.

When he'd returned home his heart was full of hate  and anger for his rejection, when his parents had tried to council him  he lashed out at their words, only remembering what the foals had said,  and lost what innocence was left in his mind, it would be locked away  for years to come. It only took a swift sweep of his new magic he'd  learned to wipe them both out, no regret in his eyes, just emptiness.

Soon  after this event he was sent away, exiled from the clan for both  stealing forbidden magic and using it on other wildlings (his parents),  from then on he'd bounced from clan to clan, rogue group to rogue group,  he never stayed anywhere for long but each time he did enter a clan he  stole a piece of their dark or forbidden magic and added it to his own  making himself ever stronger and more corrupt.

Now he lives  alone, in an old dusty crumbling ruin in the farthest reaches of the  desert, it is the only place he has not been exciled from, and now his  heart is ever more corrupt with the hatred for those who would remove  him from their clans. He now thinks only of burning the world along with  everything and anyone they love if only to prove just how powerful he  truly is. He promises to show that those wildlings years ago were wrong,  he promises that everyone will crumble at his hooves if they stand in  his way.

Because who needs friends and loved ones, when you are filled with such power...?

(Will probably add more here later)

Most common places to find him:   Anywhere, don't wander the open fields alone because he travels everywhere.

Other info:    The "tattoo" on his neck is actually a repelling curse from Mina, she  placed it on his neck much like a collar and if she feels it is needed,  she will activate it to push him away from her vicinity.

HE IS  ALSO ABNORMALLY LARGE, taller than tarandus members. And is filled with  dark magic that he is not afraid to just swing around like a play thing.

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