[taken] Mairin



6 years, 11 months ago



Name:   Mairin

Nicknames:  Mai, Rin, etc. Some young foals (and those very close to her) call her "Miwa"

Age:   Hidden, it's rude to ask a lady her age.

Species:   Wildling Unicorn

Clan:   Philoden

Occupation:  Healer, though she wishes to be a traveller

Likes:   Spending time by or in the water, healing others or helping in any way she can, spending time with Locke.

Dislikes:   Harm coming to those she loves. Overly hot days, you'll find her curled  up next to a lake in this moment, feeling the cool air off the water.  She also dislikes being trapped within the clan borders, she questions  how she could possibly be of any help to anyone when she is trapped.

Personality:    Shy and not outwardly social, but she speaks when the time calls for it  or when she is surrounded by those she trusts and cares about. She  appears rather gentle and not very intimidating at all. Don't let her  personality distract you, it seems she can be quite the warrior in dire  times, especially when it involves her dear friend; Locke.

More detailed info:

It  is said that this beautiful red mare was born of a Philoden family that  left the clan long ago to live by the sea and became rulers of their  own small gathering of wildlings that lost their way in somewhat of a  small makeshift 'town'. While not necessarily clan leaders, the family  was still looked up to for their helpful nature and keeping the batch of  lone wildlings safe.

The children were only that of Mairin and her  brother, whom she loved dearly and was almost inseparable with. However  while she was still very young, 'Miwa' (according to anyone very close  to her) had a strong magical reserve building up within her which  sparked far too much interest from shifty equines and greedy wildlings,  her family feared for their family's safety when they'd realized she had  built up such a strong natural healing magic at such a young age.

With  much hesitation and regret, Mairin's family returned to the Philoden  clan leader one night and requested Mairin live under the care of the  clan rather than with them in their small little travelling rogue clan,  to keep them safe as well as her. Since then, the gentle red mare has  not seen her family and doesn't even know if they are still alive  anymore.

Mairin has been a childhood friend of Locke's since  moving in with the Philoden clan and tends to enjoy spending time with  him the most over any other wildling in their clan, she seems rather shy  around any other and chooses not to speak unless spoken to or  absolutely necessary. It's not that she doesn't want to make friends, it  is more that she grew up being a bit sheltered because of her  incredible healing magic, her family had wanted to keep her hidden away  so no creatures or wildlings abused it. After being hidden away for so  long she just kind of adapted to it and became a shy mare who didn't  make attempts to speak out.

To heal a wound completely without the  need for bandages or herbs of any sort is something incredible and  powerful and anyone would steal her away and abuse it; or at least, that  was how she was taught, she had to keep it safe and hidden.

It's  often hard to spot this girl anywhere near the core of the clan, she's  most commonly found near areas with many trees because she finds bodies  of water here to lay by or swim in. She will sometimes visit any lakes  in the open too but she highly prefers to secluded areas within the  trees so wildlings wont find her easily. One would have to stumble upon  her by accident or know her well to figure out all her hiding places.

Mairin  also has this strange feeling that she absolutely needs to go to the  ocean someday, like she simply belongs there, perhaps there is something  more to it than that, but her heart simply tells her to go. Sadly the  young mare doesn't seem as though she is confident enough to go alone,  or perhaps she would just feel unbarably lonely doing it alone.

Whether  it is because she would be leaving her childhood friend behind, or  because she simply wouldn't know where to go or what to do when being on  her own she does not know, all she seems to know is to stay close to  the clan and simply suck it up.

She claims she has come to terms  with the fact she will never see the ocean and that she will just  remain and keep everyone safe.

A deep sadness lies below her sweet and shy exterior that no one can seem to penetrate with words alone.

Paired with:   Rival  (EternaNyx's wildling)

Family:   adopted by Gloria and Myositis  (they take turns looking after her, they aren't actually together)