


3 years, 17 days ago



Julianna Hauer

Faith is the flame that eliminates fear.

Charming . Competitive . Fiery



Priestess Julianna Hauer
Sister Julianna, Sister Hauer, Jules, Juli
Young Adult / 22 yrs
Birth Season
The Capital || Garrison's Watch
She / Her
Magic Source
Church || Priestess

Known for her brilliant and kind personality, Julianna has a reputation for being a polished and shining example of womanhood in the eyes of the church. Having come from the humble roots of a farmer’s daughter, Julianna works toward being able to help her father pay to keep and maintain their family farm.

Julianna is a bit of a queen bee within the Founding Church’s walls, often the first to raise her hand or stand up to volunteer, she is a well loved figure by most in her community. She can often be found travelling with some of her closest priestess and deacon peers to attend their assignments for the day.


Slender and youthful, lacking any large curves aside from her bust.
Sapphire blue
Fair and often flushed
Hair color
Wheat blonde
Hair style
To mid back when down, It is kept up in tight braids tied with ribbon up over her head.
Social and outgoing
Modest and morally proper
  • It’s very rare that Julianna lets her hair down, but it’s naturally curly so when it does go down it can get a little wild.
  • Julianna often makes large rounds through many groups of people in a day to speak and get her daily dose of socialization, how she does it, no one knows
  • Julianna, while very modest and does not wear it, does find jewelry to be her weakness and has a small collection of rings that have fallen into her possession over the years.
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Julianna is a very social person by design. Having grown up with a single father taught her to be very self-sufficient when getting what she needed, as he wasn’t often always free to help her in the moment. She was aspiring from the very beginning and always put her best foot forward in her youth, much to her father’s surprise and joy. In her present age, her social endeavors have led her to developing a very charismatic and charming personality- never hesitating to stop and speak to a stranger about what they are up to, or offering a hand in aid. She is passionate in her beliefs and actions, and is truly a shining and exemplary figure within the local sphere of Garrison’s Watch.

However, not all that glitters is gold. Her passionate nature has a chance to spark into a fiery mess should she find herself challenged and out of her depths. Not that she is temperamental or impulsive- but combined with her strong faith, challenges to her dogmatic nature are often met with stubborn resistance. Having involved and embedded herself into the church so thoroughly has also instilled her with sanctimonious intent, leading her to believe thoroughly in the plight and need to save those who ‘have not been shown the light’.

Positive Traits

  • Charming
  • Passionate
  • Aspiring

Neutral Traits

  • Competitive
  • Social

Negative Traits

  • Fiery
  • Dogmatic
  • Sanctimonious


Total Points

[ Queen Bee || Passive ability]

> Julianna can locate services/get directions/ find specific people with relative ease
> Can be used for even ‘under the table’ requests

> Her popular reputation may land her in hot water with those who have motives conflicting with her own
> May not have an affect on those in the ‘underground’ who view the church as untrustworthy

Julianna’s reputation precedes her in most interactions- and even those who do not know who she is still often feel the radiant positive energy around her. She has a remarkably easy time making friends and an even easier time making acquaintances with her agreeable nature. Because of the large network of social connections she has- it is easy for her to find help, be able to ask someone for a favor,or even about a ‘friend of a friend’.

With this ability, Julianna will have a higher level of success when asking for favors or aid from other players.



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[Locked description]



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A Candle's Fire

Born to Grigori and Marina Hauer at the crack of dawn one warm spring morning, Julianna was the first and only child born to the peasant couple. They lived a very simple, minimal, lifestyle tending to the farm and it’s animals. Julianna was always running around the farm and going to the church next door in her youth, both with her mother and on her own, to sit and play with the priestesses and church-goers that came by to worship.To say that the family was well-involved with the faith is to hit the nail on the head. They frequently hosted small church events in their pastures and provided the parish next door with the tallow and wool directly from their sheep as their tithes.

During a notably harsh winter- Marina fell ill near the end of it. With such little supplies to combat the fever there or at the parish next door and no means to travel through the dense blizzardy conditions into Garrison’s Watch,she inevitably passed away. This left young Julianna without her mother at age 8, and Grigori to have to raise his daughter on his own.

The parish next door was a saving grace for helping Grigori raise his daughter- he was inexperienced, and there were a couple of priestesses next door who had families of their own- so he had no shortage of advice.Eventually, as Julianna reached of age to begin training, she insisted her father let her study to become a priestess. She knew she’d have a better chance of helping him and herself down the line if she could get as educated as she could- and maybe even take some of the burden from his shoulders. It just made sense to the young girl.

On request of the parish next door, she was sent into the capital to the founding church to receive her studies. She was a promising candidate for priestesshood- and there was no reason not to send the bright little girl to get the best education the faith had to offer. Quick to make friends, Julianna’s friendliness and competitive nature made her quite popular among the students and put her ahead of a chunk of her class- with her scholastic prowess only challenged by another young Acolyte named Sybil. The two of them would grow up to be as close as two friends could be- even with their varying levels of sociability. Among some of her other notable friends are Shiloh and Tiberius, to name a couple.

Julianna has developed only a few goals in life. To live as close to her faith as she can- to help provide to her family, and to become a Head Priestess. The added benefit of marrying Grand Master Lazarus’s son was always kind of a stretch goal- but she had thoroughly convinced herself by her apprenticeship that she and Tiberius were made for one another. What was the harm in trying to be one of the best to earn favor in the faith?

By the time she had finished her final years of training, she had built rapport with several families around the city and helped with as many social functions as she could in her desire to help extend the faith to those who may initially not feel invested. She was notably noticed by Lazarus in her earlier years for her dedication- and while she isn’t yet being considered for a Head Priestess position- she is still driving the horse down that road.

There is plenty she still plans to do- even without the title- with a smile on her face and her scriptures in hand.