Ghost Dante



3 years, 11 days ago



"Violence is not the answer... Most of the time."
January 31st
Crossbone Pirates
Grand Line
Ryu Ryu no Mi


  • Very tall and slim, but has a strong build
  • Hair is long and very dark brown
  • Has painted markings under his eyes
  • Eyebrows are thick
  • Mostly looks serious and unimpressed
  • Has a moderate amount of stubble
  • Pupils are sharp and not round
  • Eyes are yellowish
  • Is often seen with trenchcoats and coats in general


Dante is quiet and stoic, and not a man of many words. Extremely intelligent and analytical, he usually remains distant keeping a vigilant eye in most situations before deeming necessary to intervene, despite also being careful and avoiding fights if necessary. He's usually remarkably reserved and keeps to himself, but is actually very polite with others due to being studious and earnest. Dante cares deeply for Echo, his younger sister, and constantly fears for her safety due to her outgoing and trouble-seeking nature. He knows she's very sociable and mischievous and as so keeps a constant watch on her at all times being extremely overprotective of her, not wanting Echo to put herself into danger. Even though he looks serious most of the time, he sometimes smiles (only for her) and enjoys indulging in his sister's shenanigans; as long as they are deemed safe.


Born in the Grand Line as the family's first son, Dante was a kind and patient child with a hopeful future. Remarkably intelligent and studious for his age, he was always devoted to reading books and studying new things as they were his favorite thing in the world until his younger sister Echo was born, and she became his biggest treasure. Dante loves her dearly and always strived to be a good older brother and make his parents proud at the same time, but when his hometown was destroyed in a conflict between pirates and the Marines, the young Dante desperately tried to rescue his wounded parents from under the rubble only to watch them both die in front of his eyes. Without having time to mourn he rushed to rescue his crying sister who was buried beneath the debris as well, and rushed to escape the burning town with her. Since that dreadful day Dante promised he'd do everything in his power to keep Echo safe and alive, not letting anything hurt her since he never wanted to lose another loved one due to not being strong enough. At age 5 he started living on the streets with her and survived through stealing food, always making sure Echo had more than him and that she'd never feel cold and alone as they wandered from town to town, being called the 'trouble brothers'.

Always determined to become strong Dante trained himself and Echo on how to fight and survive whichever adversities came their way, only trusting his sister in the whole world. After many struggles Dante came upon a strange fruit in the wilderness while searching for shelter and food, recognizing it as a misterious Devil Fruit from many books he had read in his earlier years; aware that eating it would bestow him with powers that could benefit him and make him stronger to protect Echo better from any danger, Dante decided to eat it. He discovered it to be a rare Mythical Zoan type, and trained his newly obtained form to harness its power in order to keep his young sister and himself away from harm. However much to his dismay Echo also got ahold of a Devil Fruit not too long afterwards and undoubtedly she ate it as well, earning herself new powers too. Focused in keeping eachother alive Dante continued striving to survive whatever challenge appeared before them until he was faced with Echo's decision to become a pirate; and even though he was against the idea due to the amount of risks and pirates being the reason for their hometown's destruction, he knew there was no way he could change his sister's mind, supporting her choice and aiding her to assemble a crew of her own and taking his role as her own navigator.

Echo's crew proved to be surprisingly reliable and headstrong which brought Dante some relief even though he remained in his position as her own personal guardian no matter the situation. In time the Crossbone Pirates became notorious in the Grand Line and well-known for being a sturdy and fearless crew, never backing down from a fight being led by the brave and young captain. Even though the life of piracy was not what Dante was expecting he came to be accustomed to it and enjoys life at sea, having plenty of new opportunities to increase his knowledge and remain close to Echo, always able to keep an eye on her and keep her safe from the dangers of the world. Danger however was what Dante felt coming when his sister met no one other than Eustass Kid, one of the Worst Generation; immediately wary of him Dante tried in vain to keep him away from Echo but what he saw was only the opposite, as both captains constantly butted heads against eachother whenever they'd meet and in the process started to become closer. Concerned for his sister's safety he always kept an eye on Kid being even more protective than usual whenever he was around Echo, despite noticing that the red-haired man seemed to have a strange and unfortunate interest in her.

It didn't take too long for Dante to understand what was unveiling in front of his eyes; Kid and Echo were growing increasingly fond of eachother and despite wishing for his sister's safety above anything else (seeing Kid as a bad influence and a danger to her), Dante also wanted her happiness; and he was aware that being with Kid would make her happy. So in the end Dante (reluctantly) proceeded to allow the pirate captain to get even closer to Echo and watched their relationship bloom into a partnership and a full-blown pirate alliance. Aware that her choice made her happy Dante remains at her side as her most loyal companion, giving up anything to continue keeping her safe and sound.


  • Green apples
  • Irises
  • Reading
  • Starmapping
  • Flying


  • Echo in danger
  • Beans
  • World Government
  • Thugs
  • Thieves


  • Dante is the navigator of the Crossbone Pirates, his younger sister's crew

  • He rescued Echo from their burning home as a child, and after failing to save his parents he has an immense fear of losing her too

  • Mostly looks stoic and reserved; doesn't speak much unless he finds it necessary

  • Dante is an Akuma no Mi (Devil Fruit) user, and ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi (Dragon Dragon fruit)

  • His Devil Fruit is a Mythical Zoan type, model Kuroryu (Black Dragon), which allows him to transform into a hybrid form and a full dragon form

  • Dante fights using a cutlass named Icarus and a blunderbuss

  • Dante is extremely overprotective of Echo and is the overly-worried older brother type

  • As a side effect from his Devil Fruit, Dante has slit/sharp pupils

  • In his dragon form, he can change size at will (with limitations) and breathe purple flames




Dante's most precious treasure in the whole world, he'd die and kill for her. Despite not participating in most of her outgoing shenanigans Dante loves her deeply and is constantly around her like a guardian angel, making sure nothing and no one hurts his little sister.



Akira is an extremely good friend to Dante and is the one who appeases him whenever he gets stressed out depending on the situation (most often caused by Kid). Dante is also extremely thankful that Akira has saved Echo's life more than once due to being able to swim and rescue her from the sea.



Aware that Kid could pose a threat to Echo Dante was immediately wary of him and ready to dispose of him; but in time learned to tolerate his presence for his sister's happiness, knowing both were completely and utterly head over heels for eachother.



Dante trusts Corvo with taking care of his sister's crew and is always thankful for his efficience in keeping Echo safe even after her injuries as a result of her troubleseeking nature. They also get along pretty well due to both being extremely calm and intelligent.



Dante gets along pretty well with Quinn due to her gentle and reserved nature and is extremely thankful to see her being friends with Echo, happy that his sister has a lady friend to talk to among all the men around her. He appreciates her presence and makes sure Quinn and Echo are always safe.



Even though they don't talk so often Dante appreciates the fact that Kid's firstmate is such a calm, levelheaded and composed figure. He expects Killer to keep Kid in line whenever he's not doing so himself and is thankful that whenever the Kid Pirates came to their aid, Killer also didn't hesitate to help them out.


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This character is a pirate. (One Piece universe)


The Devil in Me
This character has Devil Fruit powers. (One Piece universe)


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