


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Wisteria
DOB: 6/1
Age: 18+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Inkling
Weapon of Choice: E-Liter  
Likes: Levi, Being Cute, Teasing others, attention, having his way with others, "Draining his partners", his team but namely his best friend Asher. Dislikes: Not having good time, his parents, boring sex, Ny, girls who insist on putting themselves onto him.
Personality: Pretty straight forward if he likes you or not. Somewhat sadistic. Sassy

Bio: Comes from a long line of Snipers in his family. Since he was young he had a handle on long range combat, prodigy if you will. He was on a set path for this lifestyle and was going to follow his line's path of making a name for himself on his skills. He didn't like how his dad was forcing him to do things he didn't like, this was why he favored to be around his mom at a young age. During a time at school he and a young female friend of his was out and about before he was tricked into abandoned room with said female friend. She locked the door behind her with just him and her...the events that took place changed him. Afterwards he was a loner until he met a male friend who helped him over come it and pulled him out of his "dark place". The two ended up being best friends and it made Wisteria discover himself. Over time, he started being more and more flamboyant which got the attention of his dad, but he figured it was a "phase". Once Wisteria got the courage, he told his family that he discovered himself and it became his undoing. They disowned him for being gay, his dad going as far as saying "What she did to you should've made you a man!". What's worse is that his Mom, one that he'd considered his best friend, treated him like a outworldly creature once he came out. Going as far as not saying a single word to him anymore. Wisteria knew his dad would say these things, but when his Mom betrayed him it was too much for him to bare. That night, he packed what little he had left and ran off to the streets. He became a prostitute for a little while before a model found him...Now he enjoys life to the fullest with both his team and the model who picked him up when he was down.