Margaret | Meg



Hopeless Mess™ / Orphanage Matron / Lillian's Sister / Winnie's Aunt

Age: 52 (she does not age on the island, was sent there 5 years before Dr.)

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 5'10" 

Preference: ????

Back in the day, she ran an orphanage -- filled with forgotten children in need of some love and comfort. She ran it on what little she had and adored her job very much. Unfortunately the building had mysteriously burned to the ground, taking the little ones with it. She forever blamed herself for the fire and all of the lives lost, furthering her self-loathing. She ended up dying of heartache...

Margaret is mostly blind, but her big heart makes up for anything else she lacks. Despite mostly losing her sight, she still loves to read and write, yet has no faith in herself to publish anything. 

She will let people walk all over her. She’s also partially religious, though not a strict Christian. It’s not hard to make this woman cry. Don't give her anything breakable because she'll find a way! 

Margaret why do you have junk in your hair? She's a flipping mess...... someone love her ;;


