Rosemary Blackburn



3 years, 24 days ago


- Rosemary, Rose

- She/her

- Haven't figured out what she is specialized with, trying of course to have different kinds of witches, tempted to call this one as water witch, maybe cartomancy too aka card reader can read from cards past, present and future- though the card sessions can be long with her especially if you want to have a good look through the cards and what they have to tell you

- I have blessed myself with another witch character

- Dunno where originates from but still a witch- a human, nothing inhuman about her even if would be tempting to scream HAhaA i LieD, but no, a human witch

- Flower earrings,, has probably quite a collection of those

- Probably has homemade flower earrings if cannot find from anywhere nice earrings to buy so makes her own,, mostly finds inspiration from nature or from pinterest

- Crafty gal, does sketch a lot, mostly plants, some landscapes or animals, probably uses watercolors too

- Haven't decided what her familiar is or even if has one yet

- Most likely lives near her parents and relatives aka in the same village/town where there isn't like traffic and massive buildings mostly nature and things are calm there, near countryside almost not exactly but good place to relax and enjoy the nature- and take plenty of photos too

- Photographer, enjoys photography a lot,, prefers taking photos of nature though, like she'll take bunch of photos of anything pretty or unique, would probably talk for hours and show you bunch of photos of animals she has taken of and gotten close to,, even probably telling one time of bird landing on her camera and staying on it- and she managed to take quick picture with her phone of the bird chilling on her camera before flew off

- For sure has tricks how to get good photos of animals or lure some out,, probably thrown seeds out before to get some bird pictures

- Has the patience to be still and wait for a perfect moment to take a picture,, though if she fails quite multiple times she does get frustrated,, she'll tell you about the one time when she was trying to take a photo of a one birdie that kept flying back and forth a lot that she almost gave up on taking a photo of- but managed to get a good photo of it- and it felt good to finally get a one good photo of the bird- or when one time a hare hopped on her back when she was laying down

- Don't ever be weirded out if you ever find her out in the nature crawling with a camera towards an animal or a flower that has a bug on it or anything that doesn't want to scare away, may watch to see if she succeeds with that at all

- Probably some animals has watched her like "what the heck she is doing-" when is crawling on the ground towards something with a camera in her hand, not surprising if some animals have followed her around cause of her being odd like that- or mythical beings being in animal disguises never know about that- nor she doesn't even if she is witch sometimes is that focused on taking a photo of a one thing even if keeps her eyes open for anything new to take a photo of

- She'll happily tell you about that one time when saw a bby moose for the first time and wont stop gushing about how small it was compared to it's momma moose

- About card reading, she has her own pack of cards can tell from playing cards and tarot cards,, dunno which one she prefers to use still can read them

- Even if the cards exposes anything about you no need to worry about her exactly knowing about your past if it's something personal yet she takes very close guesses what has happened- sometimes it feels like she does know but you aren't sure since she is only there to deliver a message through the cards,, leaving it up to you if she knows something personal about you without you telling her ;)

- Enjoys listening music when she is walking out in the forest or in the middle of nature to take photos out there,, of course would take photos of magical creatures,, heck probably has taken photos of some demons if ever came across any or suspicious looking animals

- From the witch family that is watched over by a fallen angel

- Doesn't know exactly how long Nahaliel has watched over the family she is from, most likely for centuries or even longer than that,, only really figured that out by exploring or rather digging out things and hearing from her relatives or Nahaliel himself whom was the first one he met

- Yes she knows Nahaliel is a fallen angel, the entire family knows, but not outsiders, expect some maybe depends if are close friends of the family,, but the family has tried of course keep Nahaliel's identity hidden away and that fallen angel corrupted presence with wards and guises so blends in among people,, even fake name,, no need to worry about too many people knowing about him since is very safe in the lil town/village even if he is protecting the witch family that took interest of when wasn't a fallen angel

- Loves hearing the story how Nahaliel was found by her great-great-great-great-great-great- so on grandparent,,, maybe overly exaggerating about that but still the story goes how he was found injured with white wings slowly molting to black,, could say maybe many enjoys hearing the story/tale/myth/folklore since it happened so long ago so it can be brushed off as a old tale or as such,, probably some don't like it if don't like fallen angels *CoUGh WHeeZe* Not hinting on anyone about that

- Probably there is a other version of the story/tale/myth like black swan among white swans versions, could say just more of a cryptic version then and hints on about the original tale,, maybe original tale is more dark or has bitter sweet ending,, dunno shhh planning on that

- Has convinced Nahaliel to let her read through the cards about him since wanted to for practice and to know him much better since he still stays usually quiet about his past even if had most likely told it plenty of times to other witch family members in the past once opened up,, could expose about the fallen one in here since i have an idea building up more and more- accused of things that weren't exactly true yet was banished since the accusations got out of hand,, knows very well there is no use anymore of course to defend himself about that has left it in the past and moves forward,, of course Rose pities him and that is why does tend to spend a lot of time with him

- Close with Nahaliel, cannot leave him alone plus he is still after all nice even if is a fallen angel though is aware of the corruption has affected him still, but finds his black wings pretty- tries to find anything positive to compliment about him likes calling him as a black swan

- Of course has gotten multiple chances to style Nahaliel's long hair

- Might have a swan/black swan tattoo,, i haven't decided about that exactly but it would've been sweet of her to get a tattoo that reminded her of Nahaliel plus showed her love to nature and animals

- It would be boring of me not to say fifty fifty chance of knowing about the other witches, you know as friends,, probably came across the group or one of them somewhere and befriended that way or from social media befriended some- yes she does like uploading her photos in a social media wants to share what she has seen out there expect might not share every photo out there of course

- Probably befriended with Sybil and Ayla first- dunno trying to figure out what way met some others through social media,, plus gals love nature and such so easy to have same common interests together so ended up later on actually meeting in person somewhere and more people

- Maybe later on becomes part of the witch group or least gets added in the group chat later one, would love to tag along them of course or they come visit her and drag her with them to see things- of course unleash chaos too and she witnesses all of it, good bye to her smart braincells those aren't needed in the group anymore

- Does wish Nahaliel could meet more people and socialize but knows the risks of that- since Nahaliel is immortal so pretty suspicious of him looking young as ever while others are getting older, but probably guises do take a huge role on helping with that whole thing even if his personality wont change there,, cannot help it but has to tease that fallen angel if had ever taken interest of some humans in his life over in the middle world

- Does care about Nahaliel's safety even if he is supposed to be the one worried about her safety and the others, but Rose doesn't want anything bad to happen to him nor see him get hurt

- Has before hidden under Nahaliel's black wings when shows them, most likely has collected some of his black feathers and probably her family still has some of his shed white feathers that shed very long ago

- She likes coconut scents, she has of course coconut perfume but doesn't use it much just special occasions or whenever feels like it since adores the milky, sweet and creamy scent it gives- probably a reason why hoards that perfume so much not to waste it so quickly,, shush probably has soaps with similar scents like that or fruity scents

- About good scents, loves when summer is around and gets to smell the fresh air and the flowers- depends on the species too there is specific flower trees that has taken over few places but least has a very lovely scent in her opinion- yes she'll sniff every flower, expect not bad ones, she doesn't like how daisies smell like

- She likes having in her desserts like in crepes jam such as apple-, pear-, blueberry-, strawberry-, raspberry jam,, likes homemade jams a lot since aren't overly sweet like the ones in stores (agrees about that with Sybil, no to store bought jams-)

- Her hair isn't that log could grow it out to medium length or lil longer, prefers to not keep it as so long, plus cannot grow it out to be so long anyways

- She'll show you her photos and the watercolor paintings if you want to see them, mostly she'll show the ones that she succeeded at doing or aren't old and horrendous in her opinion

- Appears to be social in social media, but probably actually tad shy when actually meeting her in person, still nice and sweet of course

- The witch group might actually have a chance of meeting Nahaliel- just in disguise of course not the real looks or know that there is a fallen angel because that would lead to chaos and them having too much knowledge,, probably later on accidentally finds that information out anyways since they have their ways and we know Cyfrin likes to snoop around- because mmm ritual knives but no have a history of that witch family and about the fallen angel that somehow survived this long-but considering the Norwood family knowing or being friends with this witch family which then explains why Alamar is aware if one fallen angel- most likely Cyfrin's parents know about Nahaliel but not Cyfrin or other his siblings because he wouldn't stay quiet too long and would tell at some point to the group of friends or his boyfriend about that and being all dramatic of feeling betrayed for not knowing anything about that

- Most likely her family doesn't have household demons, dunno, but would be hard to have a demon and fallen angel get along there nor the family never needed a household demon there- probably back then planned someday having one but instead got the fallen angel

- If Vale sees this soon or lil later- i took like an hour throwing the notes in here it is late when i have written this so imma sleep like a rock, feel free to ask questions reasons to develop the beans even more