The Vessel



3 years, 26 days ago




NAME Doesn't matter


AGE ???







SPECIES Soulless

"Red sun... red sun..."

A man that got his soul taken away forcefully after being sacrificed by a cult. Now his body is being used as shell for the dark gods. It wanders aimlessly within a cursed forest, drawing people near to sacrifice them to the gods as food. What's left of its humanity is happy to be this powerful. It's the first of its kind.


  • Pleasing its gods
  • Conducting rituals
  • Singing
  • Magic
  • Pain


  • People who disobey
  • Unwilling sacrifices
  • Having no orders to follow
  • Making its god angry


  • Is the first servant a dark god made
  • Like a siren, can draw people in with its voice
  • Correlates with Illuna


  • Grey hair and eyes (with black scelera)
  • Torn rags for clothes
  • Shackles attached to its wrists and ankles
  • Bleeding from either forehead or eyes
  • Tanned skin
  • 6'5'' with a lean body type


The Vessel barely has a personality now. Its body is human in nature, but with its soul taken away, its nothing more than a mockery of what human life should be. It knows nothing other than to please its gods. Days are spent finding sacrifices to feed its gods, and it finds happiness within that. To say The Vessel is loyal would be an understatement. Individuality doesn't exist within it anymore because it can't go one moment without thinking of its gods. It only lives to serve.



A man named Desmon Tahhan lived a humble life in his small village. He was going to settle down with a woman and have a family that could support the home. An average life back then, but one he was content to fulfill. He didn't think much would happen in this rural life. That was until he got kidnapped by a satanic cult.

This cult was haunted by the dark god known as Illuna; a god that hungers endlessly until they break down whatever they're playing with at the time. Desperate, the cult took Desmon to sacrifice in the hopes that Illuna would leave the group alone. Desmon was tied to an altar, blindfolded and gagged. He never saw the people that took him, nor could he plead for mercy. A ritual was conducted to summon Illuna to accept the offering.

Illuna appeared before the cult. They're beautiful, yet could drive a man mad in a single moment. They went to Desmon with a touch so gentle, and words so reassuring. They could always get anyone to wrap around their finger, so Desmon falling victim to their spell was no surprise. The man never saw Illuna's face, but all he could utter was:


And Illuna took in their new child without a second thought.


The Vessel holds no humanity now. Its existed for centuries and will serve its gods for all eternity. Mindlessly, it roams a cursed forest Illuna restrained it to for sacrifices to give. It is the most efficient soulless for the gods. No surprise Greed could get something that could hunt in surplus. It holds the power to draw people in like moths to a flame, all with its voice. It sings a repetitive song: "Red sun... red sun..."

It finds peace within this eternal life, but its peace Illuna forced it to have. The Vessel is a tragedy, but can it be sad with The Vessel doesn't know it should be? All it wants to do is please its gods and see Illuna again. The most perfect servant.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.