


2 years, 11 months ago


Drazakhan Izan


Male | He/Him

26 (6500)



Demonic Shapeshifter







Drakiel is a man who can only be described as having a caring heart-of-gold. He is loyal, and loving. His somewhat scary appearance may frighten people off, but if you got time to know him, you should. Underneath that appearance is a man who would do anything for his friends.

He eventually falls for someone else who he gives his whole heart to. Drakiel is very protective of those he cares about, especially when it comes to his boyfriend, Jasper, and his best-friend ('Sister') Roxanne. He is a very loyal person, and always tries to keep his promises. He won't be the one to let you down

Standing at 7ft tall, Drakiel is not someone you'd want to fight with. He is built with muscle, his demonic-strength only being a small bonus. His soft, pale skin is decorated with dark tattoos accented in a light pink. His tattoos are enfused with his demonic energy, however, and that is why when he gets mad, they smoke up. His hair is of a similar, pastel pink, with black sides. His natural hair colour is brown, but he dyes it frequently. He is usually seen wearing baggy clothes, his most noteable being jumpsuits or tracksuits, his favourite being a soft toffee-cream coloured. He does not mind wearing heels, but will refuse to wear anything too "feminine". He does not usually leave his horns on display, but brings them out when he feels extremely confident. He does have a demon tail, but he never lets that show. He does have fang, sharp-like teeth, and eyes that remind you of a rose.









  • Warm Tea
  • All Things Pink and Rose
  • Cats
  • Cooking (Esp Desserts!)


  • Spiders
  • Everything to do with Coffee.
  • Surprises / The Unknowing
  • Gritty Substances (i.e Chalk, Styrofoam)

Drakiel is the kind to go out of his way to help others. He may be a guest at your place, but will totally offer to do house chores for you. He is helpful, and doesn't mind lending a helping hand as long as he gets rewarded with something like a sweet treat or creamy dessert. However, he is a clean-freak and will not go into places that are unclean, speak to those who are unhygenic, or enter houses that smell slightly off. He finds it hard to sit still, so will often zone out, walk around or fidget with things if they upset his OCD.


Who is He?

Drakiel was born to a mother human and a father demon, a relationship at the time that was deemed completely illegal. In the days before Val'gan and Artsene's reign, demons, humans and angels were not allowed to interact with each other unless doing their specified jobs, but the two lowers could not stay apart. They loved each other too much, however they did not stop to consider how hard the child's upbringing would be. He was raised in isolation, and one day found himself left in the human world in an orphanage. He was never allowed to return to the demon realm and is now stuck living his life on the mortal plain. He doesn't mind too much though, he's always been the quiet person, so being alone wasn't too big of a deal. With the help of his best-friend Roxanne, he slowly found ways to rejoin the public scene, and using his shape-shifting powers to hide his demon appearance whenever he found himself in places not so accepting. Overall he is quite narcissistic, maybe a bit autosexual. He doesn't care what others think of him now, and enjoys his life as much as he can.

The Eclipsian [AU]

Drakiel plays a major role in the Eclipsian, a fight between two clans, though he deems himself not belonging to either side. He is the one who fights Esaeler, the 'Centipede of the Void' and establishes peace between the void and the clan of Night, making Esaeler realize that the clan of Day was using him for his apocalyptic abilities.

Drakiel does not like to get involved with drama including his birth-realm and the mortal realm, but will occasionally dip in to make demons back off as he is a demon of high-rank. Despite being an outcast from the demonic realm, his status applies anywhere. He is NOT royalty.


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  • One of Drakiel's favourite things to do is cook. He especially loves making desserts and sweet treats for his friends, and may occasionally wake you up with breakfast if he's on a good schedule and not sleeping till 6pm in the afternoon...
  • He likes to make flower bouquets , crowns and flower printings for people he's super close with, but he doesn't let just anyone know he does that, as his softer side is something he keeps under wraps, he thinks if people see his softer side they'll all think he's weak.
  • His main ability from his demon heritage is shape shifting, so he likes to scare people as a joke.
  • His normal hobby and job is tattoos / tattoo designing which his brother also does.
  • Loves incense sticks, and fragrant smells, making them is also something he'd like to learn to do
  • He also loves nature, especially ocean-life. He will spend off-days just learning about it if he wanted to.
  • He enjoys low lighting and dark rooms, he has sensitive eyes so he doesn't like being in bright places or infront of screens for too long
  • Otherwise his normal hobbies, he also quite enjoys gardening, fitness and his artistic choice other than ink, is painting glass.
  • Don't leave your icecream in the freezer unattended, he will 100% steal it.
  • He has a brother, but they completely cut contact, and stay far away from each other due to their drastically different lives.


Jasper [ boyfriend ]

After their inital meeting in Jasper's place of work, it was almost like love at first sight. Drakiel massively enjoys Jasper's company and is very affectionate towards him. He is very greatful for the shop owner being almost like a match-maker between the two. Read their meeting here! Jasper is the only person who knows Drakiel's full, real name.

Roxanne [ best-friend / 'sister' ]

Drakiel feels as though Roxanne is the closest person he has to family. He trusts her with almost everything, and despite him being way taller than her, he still sees her as his big sister.

Ghene [ brother ]

Ghene is Drakiel's brother. Despite their blood relating them, they stay completely clear of each other, and have a very sour bond. Ghene is entirely human, and is very against Drakiel's choice of lifestyle. Drakiel doesn't consider Ghene to be family. Drakiel didn't even shed a tear when he learnt of his brother's death.


Important Design Notes

Please do not draw Drakiel with his demon tail or horns unless I ask you to! You do not need to draw his tattoos to an exact as well, as long as they are present.

Please try to keep his structure the same, it would feel really weird to get art of Drakiel extremely skinny and looking way younger than he actually is, when he's clearly well-built and extremely tall and masculine.

Please try to keep him IC as possible when drawing him.

If you don't feel comfortable drawing masculine characters, please don't draw him! If I have commissioned/requested/traded for you to draw him, probs don't worry! It probably means i'd love to see him in your style, regardless of how I picture/draw him. Go mad!
