Prince(ss) Hyde Ballantyne



6 years, 10 months ago


to be respected.

【 Name 】 Prince(ss) Hyde Ballantyne 【 Gender 】 Female (takes on the position of a male/prince to get things done)
【 Age 】 29 【 D.o.B. 】 24th August
【 Origin 】 Bra'Unk Castle, Albion, Dim.45. 【 Race 】 Human
【 Role 】Future King/Queen of Albion. 【 Theme 】 Be a MAN
【 Charisma 】
【 Empathy 】
【 Patience 】
【 Stamina 】
【 Courage 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Perception 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Humor 】

Loyal to his mother and even more committed to his pride, Prince Hyde is the typical bratty prince with an inferiority complex like to other. In many ways he is similar to his step-brother Theador (who he hates with a burning passion); stubborn, competitive, passionate, snappy and determined. Their rivalry/hatred predates Walliam's death and stems from when Hyde’s father (Augustus) was left by his mother (Queen Dodie) for a dragon-artisan named Walliam. Hyde and his siblings bullied Theador a lot, being seven years his senior, and made his childhood living hell

Hyde has always hated Theador, and is the only sibling who still continues to bully him to this day. Theador regularly visits the castle just to yell at Hyde, and Hyde always waits in eager anticipation to yell back at him.

Fussy, Hyde is very immature for his age, but being first in line for the throne he tries to follow by his mother’s lead and is determined to be a mature, strong King one day – far stronger than the deceased King Walliam. He doesn’t seem to notice how easily manipulated he is by his father, who he rarely sees but respects to an extreme. He is however, very workhardy, and he and Theador share a very similar set of principles. He also turns into a mess when travelling without his cape/clasp, which has an enchanted broach of the royal family crest that protects him from hexes and possession. It was gifted to him by a witch.

He’s decent with a sword, but far better at fist fighting as he depended on his fists as a young girl. Despite being mostly unlikable and hardly personable, Hyde is generally quite good with diplomats and other royals, and knows his way around negotiations.

Hyde and Melody got together when Queen Dodie held a tournament for the kingdom’s strongest knight to win the hand of her daughter. Hyde was opposed to the idea, but the tournament continued anyway. Melody won (a girl!!!! Omygoooodddd) and they lived happily ever after the end.

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