Spike's Comments

Hey!! I saw your warning saying you were always taking offers on all but your sonas, so I was wondering if you could look through my charas to see if I’d have someone you’d do them for? :D

Just going to gently bump this ^^

Is asking for ping allowed?:0

Your warnings say offers are allowed what are you lf then ?:0

i am very very tent on spike bcuz i looove so im mostly eo but !! if u look thru my faves u can see designs i like :0 i have them sorted by theme !

Oh I don’t think i have any designs in your type besides kibby who’s fh :< 

Could you Lmk if they ever go for sale tho?:0

will do!

hi!! just a question :DD you asked that people do not put them in dreamie folders, is it ok if I put him in like "design is cool!!" "I love this design" type of folders? basically im asking if I can still favorite them and put them in folders where i put characters that i love the design of. sorry thats so confusing fhskleejehdj im bad at explaining /gen

“This design is cool” type of folder is fine with me!! :3

Just anything with like love, dream, or want I’m a bit iffy with waa ;’3

But you’re okay dw!! Ty for asking first <3 /pos /gen

ok cool!! ofc :]