can you lmk if you take offers qwq ? idk if you do pings!! <33

Does anyone in b1ush-pup interest you ? Specifically , two large refs like this and $30 since I’m currently low on money ^^’ { equals about $290 in worth }

I love your art so much! I’d definitely do the two refs and the $30

I have a character concept I’d love to see you make a ref for and I’ll have to pick someone else who also needs one, is there somewhere you would rather me contact you with details? If not I’ll just shoot you a dm  

My PayPal for the $30 is [email protected] 

Yes ! Do you have a discord ? If so my tag is b1ush-pup#3263 ! If not I also have a Twitter ^^

Discord works fine! I’ll send a friend request real quickÂ