Cocalo Pelutalos



6 years, 9 months ago


Full Name
Cocalo Pelutalos
Age (before/including death)
17 / 57
Physical desc.
5'4" (with head). Short bob cut, brown hair with blond highlights. Eyes perpetually wide, the rest of her face buried behind a scarf when able. Head is detached from her body, and often carries it around in her arms.
Tireless, energetic and bashful. Refuses to let an opportunity for a good deed pass by, but easily intimidated and becomes immediately shaky in the face of confrontation.
Born in 932 DD in western Soria City, Cocalo trudged through schooling, dropping out halfway through and remained where she was until her death in 949 DD.

Upon her death, Cocalo wandered immediately into Alexandrose's Workshop, and from there returned to the world of the living while dead.
Ghost stories, pineapple, Alhanian music, angels, drawing,  Wholesomeness™, being that one ghost that pulls stuff like stealing your socks out of the dryer or putting your keys in hard-to-find places, also doing good deeds
Noise (esp. machinery), confrontation, being without something to cover her neck stump

Cocalo was born to middle-class parents in northwestern Soria City, as an accident. Growing up with  a brother thirteen years her elder, Cocalo was a loud and troublesome child throughout her early years, and stopped attending school in year eight.

Near teenagehood, Cocalo's brother had begun independent academic tutoring and training at their home residence. Because of this, many older high school students would take up temporary residence in their house's spare bedroom for several months at a time, which would quickly become befriended by the family. Among these people were Fern Faedelen, Lasserti Lyan, Josivan Jenetta and Dion Dammasel. Even after periods of tutoring, the five (along with Cocalo's brother) would spend downtime together, hanging out. Eventually, Cocalo's brother moved abroad to Teyeme, Candinia, for a lucrative teaching opportunity at the prestigious Capital Candinia Public Library & Academy.

In the year 949 DD, Dion Dammasel's studies took him to northeastern Karmoa. Taking the other four of his crew with him, they stayed in a small hostel and spent their time exploring the urban ruins of abandoned cities.

One day, whilst exploring a factory long abandoned, the five activated rotten machinery and watched the factory spring to life. Cocalo's scarf was pulled by industrial fans into a large  grinder, and entangled her hair as well. The other four pulled with all their strength to keep Cocalo from being sucked into the grinder, and, instead, pulled her head from her neck.

Cocalo came through to the Afterworld with her head still attached by a spine and several small tendons; enough for the laws of the Afterworld to leave control of her body with her. She wandered one room over from the room she came through and encountered Alexandrose's Workshop. After a brief exchange, she managed to have him take her back to the world of the living, incorporeal, to see how her friends fared in life.

As expected, they were in a deep depression; not from their sins, but from their separation.

Having been refused the request to be brought back to life, Cocalo instead wished her friends dead with her, in the world of the living, as she currently was; incorporeal, transparent, ghostly.

Overjoyed at their reunion, Cocalo, along with her four cohorts, took advantage of their ghostliness to cause mischief and havoc around Soria City for the following forty years.

Cocalo's body is under her full control, even with her head entirely detatched; unusual for those in the Afterworld, but not impossible in the uncharted territory of ghosts.