Daphne Collosa



3 years, 8 days ago


Daphne woke up in a place she didn't recognize. Where was she?... Who was she? Why did she forget everything about herself? She tried to get up but hit her head against something above her. What was it? And why was it this dark? She started touching everything around her and quickly realized she was in a.. grave? Why was she buried? She was still alive. Her face hurt and she could feel she was bleeding. She kicked whatever was above her and with this, she was able to get out of the grave she was buried in thanks to her abnormal strength. She was in a graveyard, all alone, with zero memories. She looked around and noticed that her grave had a stone that said "Daphne Collosa",  her only knowledge about herself is her name.

Now a bit about her character design etc: She's a vampire with very pale skin. She's an amnesiac which makes her very confused and dissociative. She has almost glowing orange/red eyes & hair that's pink and kind of gets more purple at the bottom. She has fairy-like ears and cross earrings. Her outfit is a plain white oversized shirt. The upper buttons are all lost, so her shirt is open at all times. She has bandages wrapped around her neck and a bruised cheek. Her hair is in pigtails that are held up by braided hair. She does not wear shoes or pants so her legs and feet are slightly covered in bruises etc. She has a little scratch on her nose.