"Freckles" Kingston



3 years, 1 month ago


"Freckles" is a placeholder name until further notice

Name: "Freckles"

Nicknames: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 18-20
Sexuality: N/A
Species: Levian/human/dragon hybrid

Parents: Tony Kingston, "Blue" (HoodSi) Kingston/DisBrudeĀ  (Note: info/his design on his ref is outdated but this is the best for now until further notice)

Character notes:

-Freckles is the second to youngest of his other three siblings. A.k.a. the "middle child" as far as traits go

-Personality-wise, Freckles is the most like his father Tony. Always trying to make peace, make others happy and defend the helpless. He's very friendly and outgoing, more than happy to make new friends when out and about.
While he can be a bit competitive, that's something that has to be invoked as Freckles prefers to just chill out and watch TV. Despite that, he has a lean build and is fairly skilled in melee and hand-to-hand combat.

-Freckles is close with just about everyone in his immediate family
He spars with his older sister Alita and volunteers without hesitation when she wants to experiment or practice her makeup skills.
He makes it a point to keep his baby brothers, Quinn and Eljin, safe at all times when they're out together. When they're not, he'll hang out with Quinn by being his study buddy and/or practicing magic with him (Freckles isn't very good at it but he makes an effort for Quinn) or doing whatever Eljin is in the mood to do.
Freckles adores his parents, grandparents and adopted grandparents, his other father Blue (HoodSi) particularly. He's unsure why but he feels a special connection with him on a deeper level

-Freckles is a weeb
He enjoys watching anime with Quinn and Eljin, who watches it with him as a thank you for Freckles hanging with them (Quinn and Eljin likes anime too, just not to the extent as their brother does)
Freckles has been trying to get Alita to watch it with him too but has been unsuccessful so far
He's constantly making references/jokes of his favorite shows as well

-The only strained relationship that Freckles has is the relationship between him and his eldest brother Xander. They used to be fairly close when they were pups but now they've grown distant and fight a lot more than before.
Like the rest of his family, Freckles is worried for his brother's well-being with the amount of stress he's constantly putting himself through. He remains hopeful about repairing the broken bond between them and help his brother relax so he doesn't make himself ill

-Despite his happy and optimistic demeanor, Freckles suffers from depression. He refuses to tell anyone, feeling that he would become a burden to his family if they were to know.
He doesn't want to add another layer of stress for his family's sake with their constant worrying for Xander, so he keeps it to himself