I'm giving in and sbing on to bee or not to be 

sb on traffic stop:3

Let me just quickly SB the sharkie boy
I am IN LOVE with your works

Aw, thank you so much! I'm really glad you like them. ^^

Im confused, you offered SB but you arent marked in the bio? Oh well, sad i miss out on another wonderful design but congrats!

Mist probably forgot to put me there, it's not a problem ^^

that bee bb is so precious ;o; i would buy them if i could but im broke haha- i just advertised though so i hope it helps a bit <33

Awh, that's so sweet and thoughtful of you! Ye, it helps a lot, and I'm very grateful for it. 

aw dude you didn't have to make me a gift i was just tryin to help out!! 😢😢

thank you so much though, i love them 💕💕

Ye, I knew I didn't have to and knew you didn't expect a gift, but I'm always seeing you around TH with lovely designs and often leaving a favorite on a few of my characters and I appreciate it.

I'm glad you like them!