


3 years, 1 month ago


Basic Identification

Name: Seven
Nicknames/Aliases: Sev, The Toxic Lady, River (ex-slave name)

Age: Adult (4 years)
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demisexual (male leaning)

Height: 30”
Weight: 52 lbs 

Family: Mother and Father are Unknown

Rank: Stranger
Role: Stranger

Detailed Identification

Build: Seven is more fur than muscle. She is a very small, lithe wolf with small paws, a dense coat, and a long, bushy tail. One might confuse her for a fox or coyote from far away.
Face Shape: A narrow, feminine snout is framed elegantly by thick cheek fur. Her ears are somewhat large and triangular, and her eyes are heavy-lidded and always look disinterested, framed too by long, thick lashes.
Scars/Deformities: One very large scar stretches across her abdomen and is visible from both sides of her body. Many other small scars riddle her hide but are hidden beneath thick fur.

Voice: Serious and one-toned. (Addison Montgomery from Grey’s Anatomy)

Scent: A bit like rain or river rock, but is usually masked by whatever herb(s) she has been working with.

Posture/Stance: Her head is always held high and steadfast, but her body stays neutral. Her long tail never seems to move, as if she purposefully keeps her emotions in check.

Walk Style: Elegant, quick movements. She is very swift and sound, and takes meaningful, light-footed steps.

Quirks/Gestures: When she doesn’t know how to respond to someone, she usually gives a chert “okay” even if it’s a direct question. She rarely laughs or smiles even at the funniest of jokes, leading many to believe she doesn’t get it. 


INTJ-A: The Architect (Assertive) | Lawful Neutral - “Judge” | Melancholic | The Reformer

Overview: At first glance, Seven appears to be a rather emotionless, apathetic wolf. It’s hard to tell exactly what she’s thinking or feeling due to her expressionless face, but this is merely because she has trained herself to be this way. Showing emotion or strong feelings was highly frowned upon during her upbringing, so she has learned simply not to feel or say much.

 However, underneath her cold, collected exterior is an extremely intelligent healer.. She is analytical, practical, and tends to think about the bigger picture, easily able to put emotion or tensions aside in order to do what she feels is most right and just. Though she values life and aims to heal those in need, she was a trained killer in her past and will not hesitate to end a life if necessary.

Although she may seem steadfast and grounded, internally she battles many conflicts. Having learned to bottle her emotions up and having experienced so many horrors in life, there are many things she struggles to come to terms with. While she would never speak openly about such things at her own free will, she must learn to trust and take help from others, or be doomed to a vicious cycle of turmoil and pain. 



Rational - “Stop thinking with your heart and use your brain.”

  • She thinks on a very realistic scale and does not let emotions muddle her thoughts. In her opinion, there is a logical and rational solution for almost everything and she has an extremely objective way of thinking. 

Quick-thinking - “Step aside, I know what to do.”

  • A naturally intelligent and well-educated wolf, Seven thinks very quickly on her paws. She is able to make split second decisions after only a moment of thought, and credits this not to guts but rather experience. Still, even without all her training, her uncanny thought reflexes seem to come naturally.

Knowledgeable - “I wouldn’t eat that if I were you—unless you enjoy dying.”

  • When it comes to identifying plants or what to do in a medical emergency, not many are as knowledgeable or proficient as Seven. After all she trained most of her life in the ways of herbal medicines and poisons, and takes her job very seriously. However she knows she still has much to learn and is always receptive to new ideas. 

Unflappable - “Calm down and let me work. You’re not helping anyone by panicking.”

  • Working under pressure is her specialty. In fact, she actually almost seems to enjoy it. She does not get flustered no matter how tense the situation is, and will often snap at those who do as they are nothing more than a distraction making things worse.  


Deadpan - “....”

  • There are not many emotions that grace this she-wolf’s face. Her default look is very distant and aloof, as if done on purpose, and she has a rather dark and dry sense of humor. If she ever cracks a joke, it’s hard to tell if she’s being serious or not. 

Impartial - “It is my duty to assist where I’m needed.”

  • When it comes to administering medical treatment, Seven does not judge or take sides. Even when she was taken as a Nokoni slave, she could have poisoned them or administered ineffective treatment, but instead gave them actual care and medicine. Life is a sacred thing to her and she is dedicated to preserving it unless absolutely necessary. 

Jaded - “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

  • Raised in a strict and unforgiving regimine; training and fighting each day in a harsh land; learning to kill without remorse; being enslaved. All of it has left Seven very jaded and desensitized to violence and death. While this comes to an advantage as a medic as she does not easily lose composure, it also means she lacks compassion and empathy. 


 Distrustful - “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  • Seven has found there to be one truth in life: trust no one but yourself. She is highly distrustful of others and is not one to ask for help even if she needs it. Doing things on her own is best in her mind because she simply cannot trust others enough, nor will she ever open up emotionally even amongst those she knows well. 

Paranoid - “The Nokoni… they’re coming for me. I can feel it.”

  • In her mind, Seven is a wanted wolf, and she will never let her guard down because of it. She always seems to be watching her back and has a lot of anxiety about running into someone from her past, especially a Nokoni raider. 

Severe - “If you’re not going to help then get out of my way, NOW!”

  • Seven likes things a certain way and is very harsh about letting others know this. She cannot stand others sniffing around her herb cache (not just because she has things meticulously organized but because she keeps many poisonous plants) and will quickly and harshly correct those who overstep her boundaries. 

Stubborn - “I don’t need your help, I can take care of myself.” 

  • She tends to think she knows what’s best for herself and everyone else and doesn’t like to hear otherwise. As she is used to being the one who takes care of others, this can make her extremely stubborn about receiving care (especially medical care) and she will often do exactly what she tells her patients not to do—ignore medical orders.

External Conflict(s): Learning the ways of the Aniwaya and how to let others care for her.
External Motivation(s): Becoming integrated with the Aniwaya and letting go of her past.
Internal Conflict(s): The loss of her unborn litter and becoming barren as well as the fear of the Nokoni coming to reclaim her.
Internal Motivation(s): Letting go of the resentment she feels for how she’s been treated in the past, and learning how to love and build relationships.

Likes: Springtime, warm weather, summer thunderstorms, flowers, plants, crafting poisons.
Dislikes: Cold weather, snow, fast moving water, noisy/obnoxious/annoying wolves, war.
Fears: The Nokoni, drowning, losing those close to her. 



(tw for slavery and miscarriage)

A barren wasteland seemed no place for a pack of wolves to call home, especially with the threat of raids from the enemy Nokoni constantly looming, yet the Hydae Clan made it such. The Expanse, as they called it, with a shining jewel in the form of a vast cave system they claimed as their own, one they swore to protect even if it meant waging war. Their chief, Valdur, had a plan in place: to grow a warrior-centric pack with a highly-trained team of specialists at the head so that they may combat the Nokoni and defend their land from any and all threats.

His plan began by taking every last pup born that year and relentlessly training them in various ways from the moment they were weaned. Like the others born that year, she was never given a name but rather assigned a number: Seven. Easily the smallest of the group which would one day be called the Deathseekers, not much was expected from the little female. In fact, Valdur predicted she would perish under the harsh training conditions, replaced by a new pup from the next crop of litters.  

Yet Seven proved everyone wrong. What she lacked in size and strength, she made up for in intelligence and agility. She tried hard to impress Valdur and keep up with her peers, with whom she shared a familial bond, seemingly working twice as hard as everyone else to earn her keep and praise from the rigid and critical chief. Puphood was harsh for the Deathseekers, filled with regime and fighting instead of playing and exploration, but they were obligated by duty. Having been torn away from their parents at such a young age, it was the only life they knew of anyway.

As the Deathseekers neared their first year, they graduated from basic training and began to pick their specialized tasks. While becoming a warrior or assassin seemed to be high on everyone else's minds, Seven knew that medicine was just as important if not more so. She had always had an affinity for plants anyway, particularly those of the poisonous sorts. Seven realized she not only had the ability to heal her comrades, but to destroy enemies with toxins as well. She vowed to become the best, and held true to her own creed. 

For many seasons, the Deathseekers honed their abilities. Every so often a Nokoni raider or two would attempt to cross into Hylae territory but were quickly chased off. With the Deathseekers at the helm, the Hylae Clan thought themselves invincible even; the Nokoni were powerless against them, their reputation far preceding their actual abilities. But in reality, the Nokoni were merely testing the waters. Waiting for an opportunity. In spite of all the special training they received, nothing could prepare the Deathseekers for the raid that changed everything. 

The Hylae Clan had vastly underestimated just how successful the Nokoni really were. They mistook the organized pack of raiders for a band of uncivilized, dull brutes. They thought themselves prepared, but on the night of the raid they were anything but. An alarm howl alerted the Deathseekers to the chaos, but it was already too late. The Nokoni had invaded the caves; a bloody battle soon commenced. Seven watched her comrades and Alpha fall. There was no time to think, no time to help. She could only flee and save herself.

But there was nowhere to run. She was surrounded on all sides by raiders. Faced with the decision to die or become a slave, she reluctantly gave in and agreed to go with them peacefully. Despite the blood shed, despite watching the only family she had ever known slaughtered before her very eyes, she remained stone faced and collected. The Nokoni may have taken her pack and even her freedom, but they would not take her dignity. 

Knowing her skills in herbal knowledge and medicine could prove advantageous, Seven let it be known upon meeting the Caanus that she could prove useful to the pack. The Caanus considered the pack’s need for a healer and proclaimed that, for now at least, Seven was not to be claimed by a male or used for breeding purposes so that she may focus on healing duties instead. While she briefly considered poisoning every last one of the bastards, it was simply too risky. Committing a mass poisoning would be tricky, and though it could buy her some time to escape, it could also lead to a cruel death on her behalf. Or worse. For the time being, Seven (or River, as they now called her) simply obeyed orders until she could figure out what to do. It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to it after all. 

But as the seasons slowly passed, she began to form a bond with one Raider in particular. His name was Kohaka, a loud-mouthed, up-and-comer who, for reasons she could not explain, she was quite drawn to. And Kohaka seemed to feel the same way about her. But he could not claim her as his own. For one, the Caanus himself directly stated that Seven was not to be touched. Secondly, he was already mated though he felt no real connections to his wife. He had formed a union with her simply out of duty and to gain praise. Yet, his eye kept wandering towards the mysterious, healing slave. He saw her less as a piece of property and more as someone he wanted to spend his life beside.

It was almost as if he injured himself on purpose just to spend more time with her. While Seven knew it was in her best interest to keep her head low until she could somehow escape, she couldn’t help but to feel strange new feelings towards the male. They soon began to meet in secrecy, falling deeper and deeper for one another despite the risks until the inevitable happened. Seven fell pregnant. 

She cursed herself for being so foolish once she realized her condition. What would the Nokoni do to her when they found out? What would happen to her pups? And what of Kohaka? Would he stand by her, claiming the pups as his own and face being shunned? Or would he stake no claim in the matter? Without a father, they would likely be deemed those of another slave and left with no protection. Scared for her life and her unborn children, she confessed the pregnancy to Kohaka. 

But the male was actually elated by the news. It seemed his current mate continued to fail as far as conceiving pups was concerned, and he grinned at the prospect of being a father with the one he truly loved. He had delusions of grandeur of raising the pups with her,  but Seven reminded him of the backlash he could face. After all, he was a rather low-ranking male who had disobeyed the Caanus and had taken a slave that was not his. Seven urged him to pretend he had no part, that she would do her best to protect the pups herself and that he should go on with his life. But Kohaka refused. He loved her, and he wanted to raise their children together. 

So he came up with a plan: they would escape the brutal ways of Nokoni life and raise their family together. They both knew it was risky, but Seven had faith in the male. This could be her only shot at a new life, one full of love and happiness instead of war and pain. The duo would have to act quickly, however. Her underfed belly would soon begin to show the pups growing within her. Kohaka waited for a night when many of the raiders were out doing their business. Seven waited patiently for him to show up, her heart thumping in her chest. The second he arrived to collect her, the two vanished into the darkness together. 

But a watchful Guardian witnessed the attempted escape and sounded the alarm. Seven and Kohaka made a run for it as Raiders set off after them. Despite the malnourishment from the lack of food received, Seven ran as fast as her legs would carry her, lungs burning in her chest as her lover guided the way. But the others were closing in, and quickly. Their original escape route now blocked, the duo diverted their path. Unfortunately, this led them to a canyon with raging waters below. Nowhere left to run, the Raiders surrounded them. Kohaka pressed his forehead to Seven’s and whispered “I love you. Be strong and raise them well. I’m so sorry.” Seven didn’t even have a chance to say anything in return before he pushed her off the cliff into the waters below. Kohaka closed his eyes as teeth closed in on him, a final reminder of his betrayal to the Nokoni... 


The icy water ripped the breath from Seven’s lungs as she plunged into it, but she managed to keep her head above the waves and paddled furiously, desperate to keep herself from inhaling water. The rapids were strong, tossing her small frame around like a rag-doll. Worse yet, several sharp rocks loomed ahead. She gasped and coughed but tried to remain curled around her pregnant belly. If anything, she had to protect them. She had to. But a strong current dragged her down, tossing her against several jagged rocks. She tried hard not to fight the current, to simply hold her breath and brace herself, but in an instant her body was slammed into a rock. Everything went black. 

When Seven opened her eyes again her head was screaming in pain. She had miraculously survived the plunge and had somehow washed up upon calmer shores. The land here was green and beautiful like nothing she had ever seen before. Before her a lush forest that stretched into towering mountains. She attempted to stand but a scream ripped through her maw. That’s when she smelled the blood. Her abdomen was sliced nearly open. She collapsed back onto the wet earth, sobbing in both pain and heartbreak. She already knew even though she didn’t want to believe it. Weak and bleeding out, her vision began to fade once more, but not before the silhouette of another wolf appeared before her, followed soon by more before she eventually blacked out.

Unsure of how much time had passed, she awoke in a strange den feeling sick and feverish. Panic ripped through her chest as she feared the Nokoni had found her, but her body was too weak to move. However, the wolves here that came to her aid were nothing like the bloodthirsty brutes that had enslaved her; they were kind as they fussed over her and tended to her wounds. Too weak to fight it, Seven merely allowed them to work. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she asked what she already knew. “My pups… are they…” The sorrowful looks of the strangers told her all she needed to know. 

For the next several weeks, Seven barely held onto life. An infection from being in the water for too long with an open wound nearly took her life, as did the heartbreak of losing her unborn pups and the male she loved. But Seven had always been a survivor. Slowly she began to mend. She learned the names of those who saved her, a tribe who called themselves the Aniwaya. Though the Aniwaya were hesitant as Seven had confided she was an escaped Nokoni slave, they simply could not turn down a female in obvious need of asylum, welcoming her as a Stranger.  

Currently, Seven is still considered a Stranger but hopes to integrate herself into the pack as she continues to heal. While her body is more or less recovered despite some long term effects due to her injuries, her mind requires more time before she will allow herself to continue her work with herbs and poisons. And while the Nokoni most likely believe her to be dead, she still fears for her life in spite of her seemingly emotionless outward demeanor. While she passes her time collecting plants for future use, she does not venture far from her den and has much to learn about Aniwaya life. 

Group: TBA 

RP Consent List

Basic Dos & Don'ts: Open to pretty much anything! Friendships, enemies, possible romantic interests, etc. I’m always up to plot ahead of time or just go with the flow c:
Maximum Rating: General-Explicit (violence/mature topics; no NSFW).
WILL NOT RP: Active NSFW sexual content.



  • Seven has an affinity for poisonous and hallucinogenic plants and is highly skilled in making poisons, which once earned her the nickname “The Toxic Lady.”
  • Though she would never admit it, she’s always wanted to become a mother and was devastated after losing her children. 
  • Due to the injury to her abdomen & infection which nearly killed her, she is likely now barren.
  • Despite her rigid, non-religious upbringing, is open-minded when it comes to beliefs and finds the spiritual beliefs of the Aniwaya quite fascinating.
  • While cautious when handling toxic plants, she does sometimes become affected by them. This has caused her to build up a tolerance but may also lead to health problems down the line. 
  • Her favorite herb is sage! 
  • She is not above finding a “test subject” when experimenting with new or unknown plants, or the potency of a new poison. All in the name of science, right?

Theme Song: Coldplay - Spies 

Original design by @ Joshark
The Nameless Land (c) @ WynBird