


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




18 in By May's End canon, but is generally drawn as a 20 year old.


Trans male


Bisexual, male pref

Relationship status

Single in canon, shipped with Marshall out of canon


Danny is originally a character from a novel I was writing.

Danny tries his best to be happy-go-lucky despite all the adversity he faces in daily life. He would die for his friends and his adoptive family. He's exceedingly intelligent, although quite impulsive at times. He never takes things too seriously until the situation is dire... He's a huge procrastinator. He loves all animals, and often stops to feed pigeons and squirrels. 

Overall he's very sweet, loving, and kind; someone who will try to make you laugh when you're down.

Full name: Daniel Ryan Hillcrest


-146 pounds.

-Skinny frame, although strong leg and arm muscles.

-Black hair, green eyes, faint freckles on bridge of nose and cheekbones.

-Very pronounced chin.

-Hair style somewhat resembles a mullet, although hair is short at the back of the head.

-Long scars on chest and hips; gained from training accidents.

-Doesn’t eat much; picky eater.

-Favors Italian food, fruits, and dairy products (despite being lactose intolerant).

-Has undiagnosed anxiety; although anxious, tries his best to be confident.

-Has unresolved grief from death of parents, as well as underlying depression and self-doubt.

-Fluent in Latin.

-Musician (Violin and guitar)

-Gets cold very easily; has low natural body temperature of 96 degrees. Wears scarves, jackets, and jeans 90% of the time.

-Main outfit: Red scarf, dark red tee shirt, black topcoat (frequently switches with black fleece jacket) and blue jeans.

-Prefers plain clothes, but also loves plaid and stripes. Not a huge fan pop culture or band tee shirts, or anything with writing on them.

-8 piercings total:

                1. Black plugs, small size (x2)

                2. 2 Cartilage piercings, rings (x2)

                3. Industrial, silver (x2)

-Optional piercings:          

                1. Snake bites, rings (x2)

-Considers dragon as favorite animal.

-Sword information: 38 in. obsidian blade, silver guard, gold etchings on grip, emerald gem on pommel; represents growth and harmony.

-Knows intermediate sword fighting.

-Currently studying spellcasting.