


3 years, 27 days ago

Basic Info






Sword Knight


Asurian Prince, 6th Member of the Survivors' Guild


Honing his skills, Flying his Stormchaser, Teaching others how to drive his Stormchaser, Cooked Meat


Immaturity, Laziness, Others using his things without permission, Hot Areas



In a dimension separate from Popstar's own, there exists a waning planet that goes by the name of "Aeleron". On this planet, there exists a being of limitless energy that maintains it by controlling all of the planet's time and matter. This being is called the World Clock. Shortly after the planet's inhabitants were created to live in Aeleron, an grave incident occurred. One of the very first of the inhabitants grew rather curious of the power of the Clock. As many secrets were being kept from this individual for many months, the curiosity that he once harbored within him slowly turned into a greedy desire to learn more. As such, this individual decided to gather an enormous amount of warriors, called Phaidrons, that would fight to gain the Clock's power and use it for their own personal needs. Those that did not agree with his ways however, were called Asurians, who longed for world order and wished for the Clock to finish developing Aeleron as it had originally planned. These two sides would eventually settle on having a grand war, which in turn would rip the world apart slowly but surely.

Tenma is the son of the Asurians' leader. The leader was a great person and a great fighter, and was respected so much by his fellow Asurians that they would go as far as to brand him their King. This, of course, would also make Tenma the prince of the Asurians. Though Tenma was indeed a part of them however, he did not favor war as alot of them did. He valued peace overall, but still wished for the World Clock to remain untouched so that it could finish developing the World. Even so, his father remained ever so proud of him, since Tenma went through his training with unwavering focus on his true ideals. As the war reached its end, however, most of the Asurian warriors unfortunately all died out. Even the ones that did manage to survive the war, such as Tenma's father, were on the verge of death due to fatal injuries. Tenma himself was the only one who would be able to live on due to him not partaking in the fight. Knowing this, his father sent him off into the world with one final wish: to renew the Asurian legacy with his own ideals. 

Tenma would go on to be recruited by Vei, and decided to fight with him and his Guild against their hellish enemies to keep the Asurian legacy, as well as the world itself alive.


Tenma had a very gentle and kind demeanor during his training days, but his personality slightly altered overtime due to witnessing the horrors of war as well as watching the many deaths of his comrades. Though he still kept his strong and caring heart within him, what he shows on the outside proves to be rather different. After the war, Tenma became a much more serious knight than he once was, always taking his tasks as well as his training very seriously. He is usually the one to put his fellow Guild members back into place whenever they become far too rowdy, and feels that he is the only one besides Vei who is capable of doing so. This is because Tenma also has the most intimidating manner out of all the members. Though Tenma does take his status very seriously, he is also just as respectful to others and even possesses a rather gallant side. He normally shows this side to others that he trusts, and would not hesitate to protect said others with his own life. He is also very formal when he addresses his friends, such as putting "Sir" or "Lady" before someone's name. He would even go as far as to put "Lord" before Vei's name, despite being told not to.


Tenma is a very formidable knight in battle. Being the heaviest and most armored member of the Survivors' Guild, he can tank plenty of hits without being knocked down. This also means that he isn't afraid to get up close, and usually strives to in a fight to dish out some heavy melee attacks. Tenma is very good at hand to hand combat, and often uses his weight to supply some extra impact to his attacks. When he wants to get serious, however, he usually resorts to using various technologies and weapons that he has acquired during his war days (Listed below). His weapons are all mainly lightning based and can grant Tenma various abilities, such as the ability to generate and control electricity at will, or even take the form of lightning itself to move at blinding speeds for a split second.

Though Tenma is durable, versatile, and heavy hitting, he also struggles greatly in other areas. Tenma is very slow overall, and although his lightning based actions and tools are quick, Tenma needs time to access them, leaving himself rather vulnerable when he prepares to hit the opponent with something hard. His weight is also a big issue for him, and he usually treats it like a liability. He has a small habit of using his weight to amplify his aerial attacks, but if he misses an aerial attack, he is prone to getting stuck in the ground. On top of this, Tenma also relies on his abilities to get himself into the air where his lightning works best due to being unable to jump as high normally. Also, due to the fact that his lightning manipulation stems from a certain tool that he has, he would be unable to use lightning at all if that tool was disarmed off of him.


Skylink Heirloom: 

A roundish, emerald-like gemstone that was gifted to Tenma by his late father before Tenma set off to join the Guild. Tenma keeps this gemstone tightly locked into his chest straps at all times, and it gives him the ability to manipulate lightning in multiple different ways. With it on, he can create electricity from his palms at will, summon lightning from the sky, and even become lightning to execute quick speed bursts. It grants Tenma a strong resistance against electric based attacks as well. The Heirloom's effects are also amplified in stormy weather, giving Tenma a boost in strength under such conditions. The Heirloom is Tenma's one and only link to using lightning based attacks, and as such, he cannot use them or gain it's effects if the Heirloom is disarmed off of him.


Tenma's own unique weapon that he brings into combat. The Trilance is a combination weapon of a golden trident and a spear. The weapon can be split into two parts, and each part of the weapon functions slightly different from each other.

Trident: The trident side of the weapon is the strongest part of it, wielding far more destructive power than it's other half. The trident is able to unleash devastating blows and become infused with the lightning that Tenma calls from the sky. After inheriting the lightning, Tenma can blast it out of the trident onto foes, or even throw the lightning-infused trident at great speeds.

Spearhead: While not boasting as much power as the trident, the spearhead of the Trilance has aces in it's own right. It can dish out much faster attacks than it's other half, and Tenma often uses it to preform very speedy jump attacks from above an opponent. The spearhead also contains 2 gemstones on the back of it that act as an indicator for the amount of lightning Tenma absorbs within the weapon. When one gemstone lights up, the weapon is halfway filled with electricity. When both light up, the weapon is completely filled and will be at the strongest it can get.


This gadget acts mainly as a vehicle rather than a weapon. Stormchasers are hovercrafts that the Asurians were able to build after they managed to steal priceless information from the Phaidrons and their research facility. With this information, the Asurians learned of a special type of gemstone created from the land itself that can be molded as well as harness any type of energy/element within them. These gemstones are what Tenma's Stormchaser and other weapons are made out of. With the gemstones' nature and absorbent abilities, the Stormchaser was able to be created with an electricity enchantment. It runs on nothing but natural lightning, and can also fly up to the speed of sound. Tenma usually keeps it in the base's garage, but he can call it to his side wherever it might be using a mysterious, electrified snap of his fingers.

Heaven Scar:

Tenma's most powerful technique. Tenma taps into the very essence of his heirloom to activate it's deepest secret, the soul and power of his father. The lightning that Tenma's father possessed was powerful not only because of the raw, destructive force it boasted, but also because of the holy properties that he was able to infuse it with. This divine lightning could easily obliterate nearly anything in it's wake as it ignores conventional defenses, but it drains quite alot of stamina upon use. In Tenma's case, he can only use this technique once per battle before having to rest, and will usually end up using it when he truly wants a fight ended...

After a long charge period, Tenma activates this technique by activating his Insignia below his feet and raising his hand into the air. Upon raising his hand, the sky above Tenma will turn completely white and start forming flashing clouds. Shortly after this, a giant bolt of pure white lightning will strike Tenma's hand, which he then throws at intense speeds towards an opponent. He can also have the clouds he summons aim it directly at an opponent rather than his hand.


"As long I stand, the Legacy will live on. I swear it."

"There are just as many I owe my life to as those who believe in me. I shall forever remain loyal to them.

"I will follow in my late father's footsteps. His wishes are safe with me."


Despite him once being highly well-known and respected due to his princely status, Tenma held a slight touch of regret that he did not know of many others that would accept him as just a normal person. The members of the Guild however, did in fact see Tenma as a normal person.

Tenma harbors a secret desire to teach others how to drive his Stormchaser. He cannot meet this desire easily however, as there are different reasons for each member of the Guild as to why Tenma can't teach them.