Officer Conie!



2 years, 11 months ago


Officer Conie lawrence of the Cone Brigade comes from a large family of 4 siblings, her being the second oldest in her family. 

Born with a physical weakness of getting hurt way too easily, she's been mocked by most of her family members and peers, her father was not impressed by her skills and doughted her a lot, yet she never once gave up on training to be an officer one day. Her older brother, seeing her dedication decided to mentor her throughout each stage of her training up to the day the both of them made it into the academy.

Her father was still doughtfull of Conie's abilities and newly acclaimed strength but with the reassurance of his oldest son also being in the academy, he trusted him to watch over Conie. 

After being put through much hardships and tests, the Lawrence sibblings and many other officers had made it into their respective stations as to serve justice to the people of Niji from that very moment. The 2 graduated from the academy and were put into their stations. 

The stations usually tackle missions and investigations of crime, murder, theft etc... But the Sanrioverse's stations often tackle issues beyond that too; hostile creatures intruding their dimensions. The cops are also hired to defend the Sanrioverse from hostile, mutant creatures from entering their dimension as it cause a huge threat to the people. 

One night, the cops on night duty were called near the city's lab, a portal opened after an experiment anr monsters from a blacklisted dimension have escaped from said portals. The cops were called to return the creatures to the dimension and save the people who've been injured during the attack. 

Conie was fighting her part of the monsters and saving as many people as she could, focused on her part of the mission, only to hear her brother scream as he waa thrown at a pillar of the brittle lab's wall. It collapsed, burying the brother under large pieces of concrete.

-I'm taking a break now, will write the next later-


Cone man

These 2 formed a bromance together, she mainly taught him things, helped him and prevented him from throwing cars. She also intervenes a few times when he's about to get angry over mugs.

(The rest is still in progressss)
