


3 years, 16 days ago


doestep doepaw, doekit
26 moons
ancestral seeker
arc 1 protagonist
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#874 ru2
Whatever we must face, we can survive it so long as we stay together

A confident, patient little she-cat, doestep is the leader of her trio and in many ways, the leader of her clan. As an ancestral seeker she leads the clan's spiritual lives and mystical connection, in a world where magic is as embedded within the clan as breathing. She's compassionate, kind, and stoic when need be. Although anxious at times, she often embodies the stereotypical hero. She will do what needs to be done, even at risk to herself.

She cares deeply about her clanmates, and her mate and daughter.

passionate impulsive aggressive sarcastic confident

  • Perchfall acts the most unbothered about the traumatic events her and her friends have endured, but in reality she's drowning just as much as her friends, she's just uncharacteristically quiet about it.
  • She wishes more than anything for a quiet life with doestep, but knows that she's unlikely to ever get it.
  • Perchfall suffers from panic attacks, especially around strong winds, large bodies of water. She also suffers from violent nightmares, and often takes chamomile in secret to help soothe her nerves.
    • This is due to her arc one trauma, strong winds remind her of the ritual, and her soul being forcibly ripped away. Large bodies of water took doestep from her, she cannot help but look at the ocean and mourn what might have been. The nightmares are due to general trauma, but usually include doe or her daughter on some level.
  • She wallows in her agony, especially towards the end of her life when all of her friends are gone and the life she once loved as turned sour. Not even her daughter could save her, perch wishes she could save herself.
  • sunbathing
  • doestep
  • arguing
  • old ancient gods reawakening and trying to siphon her soul
  • ironically, fish
  • bullies

EARLY LIFE - perchpaw is the only daughter of amberhaze and pikesplash. Their most beloved possession, she's doted on and loved dearly, and raised fairly normally within the elmclan environment. Shortly after her birth, the constellation of the phoenix arrived, blessing her brow with the feather of his power, and marking her as one of the prophecied three (and the reincarnation of the deity "first rays of dawn"). Terrified by this meaning, amberhaze and pikesplash hid the prophecy from their daughter and clanmates, hiding her blood and her reincarnation status, and pretending as if she was not special at all. Life moves on, and perchkit grew up normally, becoming an apprentice under sequoiawing (the deputy at the time) and being dubbed perchpaw.

ARC 001 - From the darkness rose great malevolent evil from far before perch's time, a vengeful ex-ancestral seeker unleashes a darkness within the territory - the stalker of shadow, and it rips into the clan, led like lambs to the slaughter by their own naivety. perchpaw is (understandably) horrified, and participates in the effort of cultivating warding herbs and protecting her clanmates when they can. One night, as she returned from her evening patrol, preparing for bed, the shadow stalker emerged from between the elms, snatching her in it's grasp. Perchpaw flailed but was unable to subdue the great evil, and was dragged further into the woods, presumably to be devoured. Unexpected to the beast, however, was it's inability to consume her as it had done so many of her clanmates. There was a power within perchpaw, a light so radiant that it pierced the very hide of darkness, and it roared it's rage, unable to complete it's task. Noticing her absence, perchpaw's friends doepaw and wolfpaw bravely ventured into the woods after her, the trio discovering the shadow stalker, and it's inability to kill perch. As the trio approached the shadowstalker, each were revealed to be of blessed blood, and they worked in tandem to destroy the shadowstalker once and for all. Once killed, the apprentices of elmclan realized that they were reincarnations of the ancient deities, and their purpose was finally revealed to the world.

witheredcreek, outraged that a group of mere apprentices had foiled his great plans, sets out to lure the children to their demise. he kidnaps doepaw's mentor and lures them into the woods, led by the ancestral deity of darkness "abyss between stars" or "the wicked one". Used as a vessel, witheredcreek traps the apprentices in the wilderwood, between ancient ruins that abyss once used to trap his fellow deities and siphon their power. He begins to take their souls, draining them of their life essence and magic so that he might become whole again. The process is nearly complete, the children standing little chance against such a dark evil. Two ancient-blessed cats, starsight and ravendust, arrive to assist the apprentices (having sensed the ill omen) and distract witheredcreek enough that the apprentices are able to regain their strength, but not before ravendust is brutally killed. Outraged and mourning, the three apprentices channel their power into witheredcreek, ripping him apart and turning him to dust in the wind as it is too much for a single mortal to bear. "abyss between stars" returns to the shadows, and waits. hibernating until the time is right to return once more.

ARC 002 -

ARC 003 -

ARC 004 -

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Physical Notes
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
    • Example of an indented dot point !
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
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beloved mate, love of her life
best friend, practically brother
dear mother, slightly resentful
dear mother, positive
dearest daughter, greatly beloved
ex-mentor, traitorous snake