Fossil UFO's Comments


i could offer art...fullbodies, chibis, headshots, whatever you'd like; i'm still working on more examples/rethinking my prices, but i have some current examples here: ahh and we can discuss too if you're interested :3

i miiight be able to add on cash, but i'm just a bit short rn. (ps, not sure if any of my ocs interest you, you're welcome to take a look just in case and i can lyk)

all good if not!! thanks either way (-:

HMM Im intersted but just wanting to make sure if any ocs are off limits?
+ thinking about the art too (still loving your art <3), and like cash is up to you if theres any time you would have extra! no pressure!!

With you Im not that picky if theres money or not tbh, just really enjoy seeing/getting your art, and you have cool characters so I would love to take a look! ^^

eee i’m so glad you love my art, i love drawing your ocs 🥹

for sure off limits is anyone tagged comfort! and i’m more tentative with those in faves but i have these guys that i’d 100% trade if any of em catch your eye:

but lmk if someone else interests you 0: 

Im glad to hear that!! ^^

I was interested in dango somewhat, but wondering whats their worth? O:

i'm not sure their exact worth (they were a bonus design with a custom i ordered)!! but i've seen similar designs from that designer range from 60-90 usd if that helps lol 

Hims plus 15$ ?? I wasn't sure what to account for the added art ♡

I gotta think about it! I like the money addon there, but not sure if Id connect to the character that much, even tho the design is nice and all O: hmm

Anyone here but Griff? I wasn't sure there was anyone else that you'd potentially like

Hmm, thank you for offers but still dont think I saw anyone that Id connect that much, sorry! :c

see anyone you like on my th?

You got lotsa cool characters, but I didnt see anyone that Id connect that much sorry! ;o;

Mainly looking for art or money offers rn too

Thank you for your interest tho ^^

sewerpup? do u see anyone outside my beloveds for em? can be multiple if needed!

You got really cool characters, but I didnt see anyone sorry! Thank you for offering tho ^^

thats aighty thankies!