Yuruginai Toshi



3 years, 16 days ago


Yuruginai Toshi

"Don't quit when things gets rough. Give it everything you have. If you don't overcome your obstacles, you will learn and improve for next time."
Yuruginai Toshi


Growing up without a father for most of his life and with a quirk that villians would want to abuse, Anshin has kept his quirk secret from society. He develops his quirk in private, but also builds up his body's strength to be able handle himself while keeping the facade of a quirkless civilian. During Gang Orca's research into criminal records to look for minors to become part of his program, he discovers Anshin's existence through Anshin's father. Gang Orca decides to investigate and visits the Yuudai residence. Anshin and his mother have a lengthy conversation with Gang Orca, but Anshin does not give away any clues of inheriting his father's quirk. Over the next several days Anshin talks it over to his parents, and eventually he decides to join.


Yuruginai Toshi is fairly tall and well-built for his age, mostly inherited from his father but also from developing his body over his teenage years. His very dark blue hair has grown out, giving him a slick bang in front of his head and a long mullet in the back.
Currently without any sort of hero costume, his clothing appearance is only his school uniform and his casual wear. Anshin's casual clothes consists of a light gray or blue hoodie with a plain white T-Shirt or tanktop underneath and his black jogging pants.


Yuruginai Toshi has a shining personality. He tends to be optimistic, even in mundane moments and is practically always smiling. Not only does his light-hearted personality motivate his fellow classmates and aquaintances, but he remains devoted and loyal to them, further inspiring them. He wants to see them succeed and outperform their goals.

Quirk and Abilities

Action Replay (アクションリプレイ Akushonripurei) Fusion between father and mother
Yuruginai Toshi can increase another person's quirk power and longevity. First, he must physically overexert himself before he is able to use this quirk at all. Intense workouts or long fights tend to be reliable sources for overexertion and will visually appear as a steamy, light blue trail of mist that comes off him. Once this happens, Anshin will be able to transfer the exertion to quirk power to another by locking hands and/or arms with them, which resembles an arm wrestling handshake.
The amount of amplification provided is dependant on the amount of exertion built up and how much he is willing to give. The duration of the boost lasts as long as the receiver isn't exhausted, either physically or from their quirk. Otherwise, it remains until the user is in a rest state, in which it will rapidly fade away. As it stands, the most he has ever amplified is estimated to be about 4 times. Using his ability on himself or quirkless indiviuals has little to no effect.


Power-Up (パワーアップ Pawāappu)
After overexerting himself, Anshin transfers it to a teammate to power up their quirk. Generally he keeps them powered by 110%-150%, as most people would be unable to control their quirks if powered up beyond that.
Overpower (圧倒 Attō)
Under certain circumstances, Anshin can put himself in an advantageous position by transfering power to his enemies. Powering them up beyond 150% can make their quirk more powerful than they can handle, which can either force them to not use their quirks or sacrifice their own wellbeing. Anshin tries to not use this often, as it requires precise calculations to pull off effectively. He mainly uses this to overcome people who haven't fully developed or understood their own quirks.

Natural Ability

Due to his quirk being a desirable one amoungst villains, Yuudai has trained his body ever since he was a teenager to defend himself without revealing his quirk. He has become proficient in mixed martial arts and fairly competent in gymnastics. This helps him to fight in situations where his quirk is either unhelpful or unable to be used. In most close combat situations, Yuudai is capable of at least getting through a fight unscathed, including against people with quirks that give extra body parts. However, he can be overwhelmed with those that have the ability to create more.


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