Bijou (Fesnik)



8 years, 10 months ago


Bijou is a treasure hunter and Jawahir's partner/best friend.
She always had attraction for anything ancient or rare, not because of its economical value but because she's very interested in history and magical artifacts; that's why she decided to join Jawahir in her hunt.
She's usually very self-collected and calm, and can seem distant and cold to strangers; she's actually very wary of people, but puts her defenses down very easily if a topic which starts her interest is introduced.
Often feels like she has to babysit Jawahir and stop her from foolish actions (despite Bijou behind younger than her), but has a never-ending patience and a more nurturing side you wouldn't expect-
Shares a house with Jawahir in which all the treasures they find are stocked, guarded by Jawahir's pet Muuri, but rarely stays long there as they usually are out journeying.
Being a Fesnik, Bijou is mute, but can communicate through telepathy and has small psychic powers (more than Jawahir, however). Another Fesnik feat is her very highened hearing, which saved her life numerous times during hunting.