


6 years, 11 months ago


vassago, she / they / it, creature, aug 6

accidental escapee from a timeline wrecked by an apocalypse. managed to travel backwards in time to long before said apocalypse happened when her weapon malfunctioned, landing somewhere on the property of her future boss. still doggedly loyal despite the fact that this version of its boss has no idea who it is. shoot first think later approach to almost everything, which does not work at all now that they’re not in the middle of constant disaster.

two sets of horns sit on either side of her head & a row of spines go from her nose to her tail. two fangs and four tusks usually stick out from her mouth as well. she has ears, but they’re usually obscured by the horns. its arms are unnaturally long, reaching around its ankles.

rifle has 3 settings; time, electricity, & fire. the time setting works as a self-contained time machine capable of very small warps. it can be used to warp those close to it, or it can shoot a radius to warp something else on contact. the electricity setting shoots an electric pulse that can usually disable technology. the fire setting shoots a small explosive that combusts on contact, which is just for damage.