Alchemy Rose



3 years, 4 months ago


♦ Stats
Alchemy Rose
date of birth
♦ Intro

A famous scientist turned outcast after a horrid event. A student under Princess Celestia, she was sent away under the guise that she passed away. She went to the far reaches of Equestria, changed her coat and hair color and her name to hide in plain sight among a small village on the outskirts of Equestria.

"Alchemy Rose" is her cover name, though no-one knows her real name except the Princess herself. Rose lives in a pony-made cave carved through the mountains surrounding the small town she lives in; and almost never leaves her home.

♦ Details
Unsaturated browns
Hair style
Blunt Cut
Hair Color
Pale pinky/peach
Cold and Snarky
Sterile, Lab coats
♦ Notes
  • Her horn is fake and is curved
  • Her magic is green like her eyes, and crackles and moves like lightning. Extremely volitile, and can blow up when used with negative emotions
  • Burn scars down her right side (doesn't have to be ref accurate/can be put anywhere)
  • .
♦ Credits
♦ Notes
  • Original design created by me
  • Redesign by @couchpossum

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Trait Name

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Trait Name

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Attack [ Excellent ]
Defense [ Poor ]
Magic [ Excellent ]
Resistance [ Average ]
Agility [ Good ]
Dexterity [ Good ]
Stamina [ Good ]
Focus [ Excellent ]
Strategy [ Good ]
Luck [ Poor ]


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Prone to extreme mood changes and frustration. Can be easily manipulated into this mood if you mention her past or anything about her skilly in alchemy.


She doesn't show it, but Alchemy is extremely self-concious of her work and talent as a scientist and alchemist. She gets very defensive of her work and what shes accomplished if its mentioned negatively.


List a flaw/weakness and write a bit about it here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan.


List a flaw/weakness and write a bit about it here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec.

Give a summary of their story here. What are the up to, what are their goals, what's happening.

♦ Subheader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

♦ Subheader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Describe their background/history here.

♦ The Incident

Rose was an extremely promising student of Celestia in her school for gifted unicorns; her magical abilities and extreme knowledge was shaping up to be princess worthy, like Celestia was looking for. However, she did not see interest in making friends, despite the princess' push for her to. Rose, more than becoming a princess or the next ruler of equestria, was for more interested in pushing the boundaries of the pony world, using science and magic to discover new posibilites. Seeing this, the Princess put her to work under a scientist, and began her search for another magical apprentice, while still helping Rose with her alchemical pursuit.

Rose got her cutiemark when she discovered a magical and scientific cure for a disease that had none at the time, and she was plastered over magizines and news articles all over canterlot, making her a new celebrity. She reveled in the attention, and wanted to push the boundary even more. Celestia warned her of the possible concequences, but Rose didn't listen. During one of her more dangerous experiments, the lab she worked at exploded after she attempted an incompatable combination. In the explosion she lost most of her horn and was burned on the side of her body. Even more devistating, the loss of many ponies lives she worked with, and the injury of many more. The public flew into an outrage, and Celestia was forced to respond.

The Princess faked the arrest of her student, and sent her off to a faraway village, under a new name "Alchemy Rose," and under the guise that she write to her often, and never attempt such dangerous alchemy ever again. Alchemy dyed her coat and hair to look different, and set off across equestria until she arrived at a small village, near large mountains and surrounded by sand. Alchemy took to living in a large hole in the mountains, much to the confusion of everypony living there. She made herself a very finicky replacement horn, but she doesn't often use her magic as its very volitile with her emotions, and can crackle or explode.

♦ New Life

Alchemy refused to meet anypony for a long while, but a pegasus named Twilight Star managed to worm her way into a 'friendship' with her, and got her to introduce herself to the other ponies slowly. She's now lived there for years, sending scrolls to celestia every now and then about any updates and progress she's getting with her science. She doesn't consider anyone in the village her friend, but she gets on kindly with a select few villagers.

Open extra box. My thought was to use to describe where they live - both the location & their actual home (a house, an apartment, out in the wildnerness). Or like... use for something else if you want.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Twilight Star ♦ Crush

Twilight is Rose's friend, and longtime crush. She was the first friendly face she saw when transferred to the new town, and Twilight happily greeted her with a smile and a friendly demeanor. They became close quickly thanks to Twilights constant bugging and inability to leave people she finds interesting alone.

Echo Song ♦ Friend/Subject

Echo is Rose's close friend, probably the closest to her out of everyone. Because Echos not of this world, Rose feels she can confide in her about all her problems, as echo lives and knows her and her temper well. Rose vents to Echo a lot about how her experiments dont work, but echo is as supportive as ever.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Princess Celestia ♦ Mentor/Mother Figure

Princess Celestia is Alchemy Rose's mentor, as she was her former student and apprentice. She was a promising young unicorn with magical ability beyond many others her age, and thus quickly became Celestias apprentice. Celestia became a surrogate mother to her as her parents were hardly in the picture.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Character Name ♦ relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Snipper Clips ♦ Friendly

Snipper and Rose have a mutal understanding to not bother each other with conversation, which is perhaps why their friendship works so well together. Both really don't want to be bothered by anyone, so they've come to a general agreement without saying anything at all. They only talk when Rose needs her haircut, and even then it's mostly peaceful silence for the both of them.

Gigi ♦ Annoyed

Gigi is a kind, energetic pony, thus her and Rose do not mix well. Rose avoids her at all costs, which is rather difficult since she owns the only (any most popular) convinence store in town. But sometimes the company is nice, though Rose would never admit it.

Juniper Rose ♦ Rivalry

Rose has an unrequited rivalry with Juniper - After all, she can just heal herself. She may get hurt all the time from her potions, but that doesn't mean she needs medical attention(at least, thats what she believes). Juniper has a great amount of respect towards Rose, putting her at even more unease whenever they see each other. Rose has a huge misunderstanding of poor Juniper, who just wants to be friends with a fellow chemical enthusiast.

Waterlily ♦ Neutral

Rose doesn't see much of Waterlily, and thus knows very little about her. After asking if she could test on Lily's hair, Waterlily avoids Rose, and Rose doesn't push back too much - After all, its much better if less people talk to her.