Charlie (Ghoul AU)



6 years, 2 days ago


AU based on the manga+anime "Tokyo Ghoul" 



Male | Ghoul/Cat 

Age: 24

Residence: No permanent residence

Height: ~ 5'10”

Sexuality: Gay

Relationships: None

Alias:  "Pink Panther"

Ranking:  S-

General info:

- Bloodthirsty as all ghouls are, but only interested in devouring men. 

- Sees people as interesting, but mostly just as prey. 

- Kagune is in the form of four snake like tendrils that can open "mouthes" and hold things. Highly effective at completely immobilizing prey.

- Not fond of cannibalism, but has done it in the past several times (Hence the incomplete Kakuja form). 

- He will actually eat female ghouls if he needs to, but will not finish them.

- He doesn't tolerate other ghouls in his territory, and it often leads to fights and the death or devouring of the ghoul in question. 

- Prefers to really savor victims and finds quite a bit of pleasure in it. Once he starts he finds it hard to stop.

- Often leaves distinctive bite marks on the pelvic bones of prey.

- Not truly heartless, just has had to push away feelings of remorse in favor of survival.

- Swoons over a certain cute (delicious looking..) crocodile. He just can't bring himself to eat him, … And no one else can have him either. 

- Speaks exclusively Japanese.


• His Kagune and Kakuja are a deep red with hints of light purple mixed in

• His bones are black, and his blood is gradiated from dark to light.