Framboise's Comments

I would be interested in these alcreamie + litwicks as well ;;v;;

Aww, thank you for your interest! I didn’t actually see anyone I vibed with, but if you’d ever consider doing pixel art in exchange I’d be happy to offer all the ones you’re interested in as well as this guy if you end up wanting the whole litwick/alcremie line! 

I would be interested in the whole line of litwicks/alcremie. What style of my pixel art are you interested in?

I absolutely love all of your works, actually ;w; This Type is extremely gorgeous, though. Would you be willing to do those for a trade? If so, how much do you charge for just one?

Yeah, i'd be willing to draw them. Those commissions are 25$ for no animation. The price increases depending on the kind of animation you'd like.

Awesome! I’d definitely like some animated ones, if that’s okay. I have a few ideas, but I wanted to run it by you first. I’d love some stuff for these characters, but I wanted to ask how many you’d be okay with doing. ;;  We could do 1 for 1, if you think that’s fair. I just don’t want it to be too much on you >< (I’m gonna go ahead and move all the litwicks to my pending folder for you)

3 Replies