


2 years, 11 months ago


The clan was quite large as it was. With over fifty dragons banding together, they weren't exactly going out and looking for another dragon to join their ranks. But, accidents happen sometimes... and for a reason.

It was Redrum who found him, wandering the borders of their territory. He had a cloak about him, making it difficult to see his face. Redrum was out patrolling, as she always did, when she found the strange dragon lurking around. His eyes glowed and seemed to pulse with a pink energy underneath his hood, one she recognized as Arcane. When he was found, he stood his ground. He didn't run, he didn't attack, he didn't get defensive, he simply was.

After being brought back before the Council, it was decided he could stay if he so chose. During the entire discussion, he was silent. The only thing he responded to was when his name was asked.


His knowledge of the Arcane arts proved prominent, though he proved to not be a very good teacher. He was left to do his own thing, and although not forced to stay and given free reign to leave at any time, he stuck around.

Along with his knowledge of the Arcane, he seems to be able to use fair amounts of magic. Not only that, but he is great with it, using it to benefit the clan he is now a part of.

As told by Ajagar

I was part of a small clan of Arcane dragons. The 'was' part meaning a very brief period. I was actually exiled before I had reached maturity. Although my patterns were the same as the others, my colors were not. I also had an unexplainable knack for magic and the Arcane arts, unlike my brother and sister. They both took after our beautiful mother. I, on the other hand, was like my father, but... less desirable. Their small numbers and inexperience made them wary of me, so away I went. I wandered a few realms, being chased out and shunned by other clans and terrotories, before finally coming to rest in the clan I am currently a part of. Since I wasn't raised or taught how to be, I didn't fit in very well, or at least I thought I didn't. What I soon came to realize, however, is that didn't matter. I fit in perfectly in every way with that clan; it was a rag-tag clan of misfits. Everyone either had a job or was useful in some way, as little as it may be. Not all of them were even direct Plague descendants. Some were shunned by their own as well, and came here to seek refuge. It is not a well-known clan, but I am glad. They are large, but keep to themselves, and keep their acceptance low-key. They often band together and visit the Plaguebringer herself to be granted more clan space, to which she graciously accepts. That is another thing about what I have heard called Plaguemomma; she is very accepting herself as well. And that is why I choose to stay with this clan. I am not mute, I choose not to speak, let them wonder. My origins are of no import. For once, I feel accepted and like I belong somewhere. I still have to find my niche, but... it's a work in progress. Until then, I will continue to use my abilities to the clan's benefit, however that may be.